#version 120 /* _______ _________ _______ _______ _ ( ____ \\__ __/( ___ )( ____ )( ) | ( \/ ) ( | ( ) || ( )|| | | (_____ | | | | | || (____)|| | (_____ ) | | | | | || _____)| | ) | | | | | | || ( (_) /\____) | | | | (___) || ) _ \_______) )_( (_______)|/ (_) Do not modify this code until you have read the LICENSE.txt contained in the root directory of this shaderpack! */ /////////ADJUSTABLE VARIABLES////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////ADJUSTABLE VARIABLES////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define SHADOW_MAP_BIAS 0.90 //Only enable one of these. //#define ENABLE_SOFT_SHADOWS //Standard soft shadows #define VARIABLE_PENUMBRA_SHADOWS //Contact-hardening (area) shadows #define COLORED_SHADOWS //If you want shadows to be pixelated to look more integrated with low res pixel-arty textures //#define PIXEL_SHADOWS #define TEXTURE_RESOLUTION 128 // Resolution of current resource pack. This needs to be set properly for POM! [16 32 64 128 256 512] #define VOLUMETRIC_CLOUDS #define HQ_VOLUMETRIC_CLOUDS /////////INTERNAL VARIABLES//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////INTERNAL VARIABLES//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Do not change the name of these variables or their type. The Shaders Mod reads these lines and determines values to send to the inner-workings //of the shaders mod. The shaders mod only reads these lines and doesn't actually know the real value assigned to these variables in GLSL. //Some of these variables are critical for proper operation. Change at your own risk. const int shadowMapResolution = 2048; // Shadowmap resolution [1024 2048 4096] const float shadowDistance = 120.0; // Shadow distance [80.0 120.0 180.0 240.0] const float shadowIntervalSize = 4.0f; const bool shadowHardwareFiltering0 = true; const bool shadowtex1Mipmap = true; const bool shadowtex1Nearest = false; const bool shadowcolor0Mipmap = true; const bool shadowcolor0Nearest = false; const bool shadowcolor1Mipmap = true; const bool shadowcolor1Nearest = false; const int R8 = 0; const int RG8 = 0; const int RGB8 = 1; const int RGB16 = 2; const int gcolorFormat = RGB16; const int gdepthFormat = RGB8; const int gnormalFormat = RGB16; const int compositeFormat = RGB8; const float eyeBrightnessHalflife = 10.0f; const float wetnessHalflife = 300.0f; const float drynessHalflife = 40.0f; const int superSamplingLevel = 0; const float sunPathRotation = -40.0f; const float ambientOcclusionLevel = 0.01f; const int noiseTextureResolution = 64; //END OF INTERNAL VARIABLES// /* DRAWBUFFERS:0135 */ const bool gaux1MipmapEnabled = true; #define BANDING_FIX_FACTOR 1.0f uniform sampler2D gcolor; uniform sampler2D gdepth; uniform sampler2D gdepthtex; uniform sampler2D gnormal; uniform sampler2D composite; uniform sampler2D shadowtex1; uniform sampler2DShadow shadow; uniform sampler2D shadowcolor; uniform sampler2D shadowcolor1; uniform sampler2D noisetex; uniform sampler2D gaux1; uniform sampler2D gaux2; uniform sampler2D gaux3; uniform sampler2D depthtex1; varying vec4 texcoord; varying vec3 lightVector; varying vec3 upVector; uniform int worldTime; uniform mat4 gbufferProjection; uniform mat4 gbufferProjectionInverse; uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse; uniform mat4 gbufferModelView; uniform mat4 shadowProjectionInverse; uniform mat4 shadowProjection; uniform mat4 shadowModelView; uniform mat4 shadowModelViewInverse; uniform vec3 sunPosition; uniform vec3 cameraPosition; uniform vec3 upPosition; uniform float near; uniform float far; uniform float viewWidth; uniform float viewHeight; uniform float rainStrength; uniform float wetness; uniform float aspectRatio; uniform float frameTimeCounter; uniform float sunAngle; uniform vec3 skyColor; uniform int isEyeInWater; uniform float eyeAltitude; uniform ivec2 eyeBrightness; uniform ivec2 eyeBrightnessSmooth; uniform int fogMode; varying float timeSunriseSunset; varying float timeNoon; varying float timeMidnight; varying float timeSkyDark; varying vec3 colorSunlight; varying vec3 colorSkylight; varying vec3 colorSunglow; varying vec3 colorBouncedSunlight; varying vec3 colorScatteredSunlight; varying vec3 colorTorchlight; varying vec3 colorWaterMurk; varying vec3 colorWaterBlue; varying vec3 colorSkyTint; uniform int heldBlockLightValue; /////////////////////////FUNCTIONS///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////FUNCTIONS///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float saturate(float x) { return clamp(x, 0.0, 1.0); } //Get gbuffer textures vec3 GetAlbedoLinear(in vec2 coord) { //Function that retrieves the diffuse texture and convert it into linear space. return pow(texture2D(gcolor, coord).rgb, vec3(2.2f)); } vec3 GetAlbedoGamma(in vec2 coord) { //Function that retrieves the diffuse texture and leaves it in gamma space. return texture2D(gcolor, coord).rgb; } vec3 GetWaterNormals(in vec2 coord) { //Function that retrieves the screen space surface normals. Used for lighting calculations return normalize(texture2DLod(gnormal, coord.st, 0).rgb * 2.0f - 1.0f); } vec3 GetNormals(in vec2 coord) { //Function that retrieves the screen space surface normals. Used for lighting calculations return normalize(texture2DLod(gaux2, coord.st, 0).rgb * 2.0f - 1.0f); } float GetDepth(in vec2 coord) { //Function that retrieves the scene depth. 0 - 1, higher values meaning farther away return texture2D(depthtex1, coord).r; } float GetDepthLinear(in vec2 coord) { //Function that retrieves the scene depth. 0 - 1, higher values meaning farther away //return 2.0f * near * far / (far + near - (2.0f * texture2D(depthtex1, coord).x - 1.0f) * (far - near)); return (near * far) / (texture2D(depthtex1, coord).x * (near - far) + far); } float ExpToLinearDepth(in float depth) { //return 2.0f * near * far / (far + near - (2.0f * depth - 1.0f) * (far - near)); return (near*far)/(depth*(near-far)+far); } float GetParallaxShadow(in vec2 coord) { return 1.0 - texture2D(composite, coord).b; } //Lightmaps float GetLightmapTorch(in vec2 coord) { //Function that retrieves the lightmap of light emitted by emissive blocks like torches and lava float lightmap = texture2D(gdepth, coord).g; //Apply inverse square law and normalize for natural light falloff lightmap = clamp(lightmap * 1.22f, 0.0f, 1.0f); lightmap = 1.0f - lightmap; lightmap *= 5.6f; lightmap = 1.0f / pow((lightmap + 0.8f), 2.0f); lightmap -= 0.02435f; // if (lightmap <= 0.0f) // lightmap = 1.0f; lightmap = max(0.0f, lightmap); lightmap *= 0.008f; lightmap = clamp(lightmap, 0.0f, 1.0f); lightmap = pow(lightmap, 0.9f); return lightmap * 1.0; } float GetLightmapSky(in vec2 coord) { //Function that retrieves the lightmap of light emitted by the sky. This is a raw value from 0 (fully dark) to 1 (fully lit) regardless of time of day //return pow(texture2D(gdepth, coord).b, 8.3f); float light = texture2D(gdepth, coord).b; light = 1.0 - light * 0.834; light = 1.0 / light - 1; light = light / 5.0; light = max(0.0, light * 1.05 - 0.05); return pow(light, 2.0); } float GetTransparentLightmapSky(in vec2 coord) { return pow(texture2D(gaux3, coord).b, 8.3f); } float GetUnderwaterLightmapSky(in vec2 coord) { return texture2D(composite, coord).r; } //Specularity float GetSpecularity(in vec2 coord) { //Function that retrieves how reflective any surface/pixel is in the scene. Used for reflections and specularity return texture2D(composite, texcoord.st).r; } float GetGlossiness(in vec2 coord) { //Function that retrieves how reflective any surface/pixel is in the scene. Used for reflections and specularity return texture2D(composite, texcoord.st).g; } //Material IDs float GetMaterialIDs(in vec2 coord) { //Function that retrieves the texture that has all material IDs stored in it return texture2D(gdepth, coord).r; } float GetTransparentID(in vec2 coord) { return texture2D(gaux3, coord).a; } bool GetSky(in vec2 coord) { //Function that returns true for any pixel that is part of the sky, and false for any pixel that isn't part of the sky float matID = GetMaterialIDs(coord); //Gets texture that has all material IDs stored in it matID = floor(matID * 255.0f); //Scale texture from 0-1 float to 0-255 integer format if (matID == 0.0f) { //Checks to see if the current pixel's material ID is 0 = the sky return true; //If the current pixel has the material ID of 0 (sky material ID), Return "this pixel is part of the sky" } else { return false; //Return "this pixel is not part of the sky" } } float GetMaterialMask(in vec2 coord ,const in int ID, in float matID) { matID = (matID * 255.0f); //Catch last part of sky if (matID > 254.0f) { matID = 0.0f; } if (matID == ID) { return 1.0f; } else { return 0.0f; } } float GetWaterMask(in vec2 coord, in float matID) { //Function that returns "true" if a pixel is water, and "false" if a pixel is not water. matID = (matID * 255.0f); if (matID >= 35.0f && matID <= 51) { return 1.0f; } else { return 0.0f; } } float GetStainedGlassMask(in vec2 coord, in float matID) { //Function that returns "true" if a pixel is water, and "false" if a pixel is not water. matID = (matID * 255.0f); if (matID >= 55.0f && matID <= 70.0f) { return 1.0f; } else { return 0.0f; } } float GetIceMask(in vec2 coord, in float matID) { //Function that returns "true" if a pixel is water, and "false" if a pixel is not water. matID = (matID * 255.0f); if (matID == 4.0f) { return 1.0f; } else { return 0.0f; } } //Surface calculations vec4 GetScreenSpacePosition(in vec2 coord) { //Function that calculates the screen-space position of the objects in the scene using the depth texture and the texture coordinates of the full-screen quad float depth = GetDepth(coord); depth += float(GetMaterialMask(coord, 5, GetMaterialIDs(coord))) * 0.38f; //float handMask = float(GetMaterialMask(coord, 5, GetMaterialIDs(coord))); vec4 fragposition = gbufferProjectionInverse * vec4(coord.s * 2.0f - 1.0f, coord.t * 2.0f - 1.0f, 2.0f * depth - 1.0f, 1.0f); fragposition /= fragposition.w; //fragposition.xyz *= mix(1.0f, 15.0f, handMask); return fragposition; } vec4 GetScreenSpacePosition(in vec2 coord, in float depth) { //Function that calculates the screen-space position of the objects in the scene using the depth texture and the texture coordinates of the full-screen quad //depth += float(GetMaterialMask(coord, 5)) * 0.38f; vec4 fragposition = gbufferProjectionInverse * vec4(coord.s * 2.0f - 1.0f, coord.t * 2.0f - 1.0f, 2.0f * depth - 1.0f, 1.0f); fragposition /= fragposition.w; return fragposition; } vec4 GetWorldSpacePosition(in vec2 coord, in float depth) { vec4 pos = GetScreenSpacePosition(coord, depth); pos = gbufferModelViewInverse * pos; pos.xyz += cameraPosition.xyz; return pos; } vec4 GetCloudSpacePosition(in vec2 coord, in float depth, in float distanceMult) { // depth *= 30.0f; float linDepth = depth; float expDepth = (far * (linDepth - near)) / (linDepth * (far - near)); //Convert texture coordinates and depth into view space vec4 viewPos = gbufferProjectionInverse * vec4(coord.s * 2.0f - 1.0f, coord.t * 2.0f - 1.0f, 2.0f * expDepth - 1.0f, 1.0f); viewPos /= viewPos.w; //Convert from view space to world space vec4 worldPos = gbufferModelViewInverse * viewPos; worldPos.xyz *= distanceMult; worldPos.xyz += cameraPosition.xyz; return worldPos; } vec4 ScreenSpaceFromWorldSpace(in vec4 worldPosition) { worldPosition.xyz -= cameraPosition; worldPosition = gbufferModelView * worldPosition; return worldPosition; } void DoNightEye(inout vec3 color) { //Desaturates any color input at night, simulating the rods in the human eye float amount = 0.8f; //How much will the new desaturated and tinted image be mixed with the original image vec3 rodColor = vec3(0.2f, 0.4f, 1.0f); //Cyan color that humans percieve when viewing extremely low light levels via rod cells in the eye float colorDesat = dot(color, vec3(1.0f)); //Desaturated color color = mix(color, vec3(colorDesat) * rodColor, timeMidnight * amount); //color.rgb = color.rgb; } float ExponentialToLinearDepth(in float depth) { vec4 worldposition = vec4(depth); worldposition = gbufferProjection * worldposition; return worldposition.z; } float LinearToExponentialDepth(in float linDepth) { float expDepth = (far * (linDepth - near)) / (linDepth * (far - near)); return expDepth; } void DoLowlightEye(inout vec3 color) { //Desaturates any color input at night, simulating the rods in the human eye float amount = 0.8f; //How much will the new desaturated and tinted image be mixed with the original image vec3 rodColor = vec3(0.2f, 0.4f, 1.0f); //Cyan color that humans percieve when viewing extremely low light levels via rod cells in the eye float colorDesat = dot(color, vec3(1.0f)); //Desaturated color color = mix(color, vec3(colorDesat) * rodColor, amount); // color.rgb = color.rgb; } void FixLightFalloff(inout float lightmap) { //Fixes the ugly lightmap falloff and creates a nice linear one float additive = 5.35f; float exponent = 40.0f; lightmap += additive; //Prevent ugly fast falloff lightmap = pow(lightmap, exponent); //Curve light falloff lightmap = max(0.0f, lightmap); //Make sure light properly falls off to zero lightmap /= pow(1.0f + additive, exponent); } float CalculateLuminance(in vec3 color) { return (color.r * 0.2126f + color.g * 0.7152f + color.b * 0.0722f); } vec3 Glowmap(in vec3 albedo, in float mask, in float curve, in vec3 emissiveColor) { vec3 color = albedo * (mask); color = pow(color, vec3(curve)); color = vec3(CalculateLuminance(color)); color *= emissiveColor; return color; } float ChebyshevUpperBound(in vec2 moments, in float distance) { if (distance <= moments.x) return 1.0f; float variance = moments.y - (moments.x * moments.x); variance = max(variance, 0.000002f); float d = distance - moments.x; float pMax = variance / (variance + d*d); return pMax; } float CalculateDitherPattern() { const int[4] ditherPattern = int[4] (0, 2, 1, 4); vec2 count = vec2(0.0f); count.x = floor(mod(texcoord.s * viewWidth, 2.0f)); count.y = floor(mod(texcoord.t * viewHeight, 2.0f)); int dither = ditherPattern[int(count.x) + int(count.y) * 2]; return float(dither) / 4.0f; } float CalculateDitherPattern1() { const int[16] ditherPattern = int[16] (0 , 8 , 2 , 10, 12, 4 , 14, 6 , 3 , 11, 1, 9 , 15, 7 , 13, 5 ); vec2 count = vec2(0.0f); count.x = floor(mod(texcoord.s * viewWidth, 4.0f)); count.y = floor(mod(texcoord.t * viewHeight, 4.0f)); int dither = ditherPattern[int(count.x) + int(count.y) * 4]; return float(dither) / 16.0f; } float CalculateDitherPattern2() { const int[64] ditherPattern = int[64] ( 1, 49, 13, 61, 4, 52, 16, 64, 33, 17, 45, 29, 36, 20, 48, 32, 9, 57, 5, 53, 12, 60, 8, 56, 41, 25, 37, 21, 44, 28, 40, 24, 3, 51, 15, 63, 2, 50, 14, 62, 35, 19, 47, 31, 34, 18, 46, 30, 11, 59, 7, 55, 10, 58, 6, 54, 43, 27, 39, 23, 42, 26, 38, 22); vec2 count = vec2(0.0f); count.x = floor(mod(texcoord.s * viewWidth, 8.0f)); count.y = floor(mod(texcoord.t * viewHeight, 8.0f)); int dither = ditherPattern[int(count.x) + int(count.y) * 8]; return float(dither) / 64.0f; } vec3 CalculateNoisePattern1(vec2 offset, float size) { vec2 coord = texcoord.st; coord *= vec2(viewWidth, viewHeight); coord = mod(coord + offset, vec2(size)); coord /= noiseTextureResolution; return texture2D(noisetex, coord).xyz; } void DrawDebugSquare(inout vec3 color) { vec2 pix = vec2(1.0f / viewWidth, 1.0f / viewHeight); vec2 offset = vec2(0.5f); vec2 size = vec2(0.0f); size.x = 1.0f / 2.0f; size.y = 1.0f / 2.0f; vec2 padding = pix * 0.0f; size += padding; if ( texcoord.s + offset.s / 2.0f + padding.x / 2.0f > offset.s && texcoord.s + offset.s / 2.0f + padding.x / 2.0f < offset.s + size.x && texcoord.t + offset.t / 2.0f + padding.y / 2.0f > offset.t && texcoord.t + offset.t / 2.0f + padding.y / 2.0f < offset.t + size.y ) { int[16] ditherPattern = int[16] (0, 3, 0, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0, 3, 0, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1); vec2 count = vec2(0.0f); count.x = floor(mod(texcoord.s * viewWidth, 4.0f)); count.y = floor(mod(texcoord.t * viewHeight, 4.0f)); int dither = ditherPattern[int(count.x) + int(count.y) * 4]; color.rgb = vec3(float(dither) / 3.0f); } } /////////////////////////STRUCTS/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////STRUCTS/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct MCLightmapStruct { //Lightmaps directly from MC engine float torch; //Light emitted from torches and other emissive blocks float sky; //Light coming from the sky float lightning; //Light coming from lightning vec3 torchVector; //Vector in screen space that represents the direction of average light transfered vec3 skyVector; } mcLightmap; struct DiffuseAttributesStruct { //Diffuse surface shading attributes float roughness; //Roughness of surface. More roughness will use Oren Nayar reflectance. float translucency; //How translucent the surface is. Translucency represents how much energy will be transfered through the surface vec3 translucencyColor; //Color that will be multiplied with sunlight for backsides of translucent materials. }; struct SpecularAttributesStruct { //Specular surface shading attributes float specularity; //How reflective a surface is float extraSpecularity; //Additional reflectance for specular reflections from sun only float glossiness; //How smooth or rough a specular surface is float metallic; //from 0 - 1. 0 representing non-metallic, 1 representing fully metallic. float gain; //Adjust specularity further float base; //Reflectance when the camera is facing directly at the surface normal. 0 allows only the fresnel effect to add specularity float fresnelPower; //Curve of fresnel effect. Higher values mean the surface has to be viewed at more extreme angles to see reflectance }; struct SkyStruct { //All sky shading attributes vec3 albedo; //Diffuse texture aka "color texture" of the sky vec3 tintColor; //Color that will be multiplied with the sky to tint it vec3 sunglow; //Color that will be added to the sky simulating scattered light arond the sun/moon vec3 sunSpot; //Actual sun surface }; struct WaterStruct { vec3 albedo; }; struct MaskStruct { float matIDs; float sky; float land; float grass; float leaves; float ice; float hand; float translucent; float glow; float sunspot; float goldBlock; float ironBlock; float diamondBlock; float emeraldBlock; float sand; float sandstone; float stone; float cobblestone; float wool; float clouds; float torch; float lava; float glowstone; float fire; float water; float volumeCloud; float stainedGlass; }; struct CloudsStruct { vec3 albedo; }; struct AOStruct { float skylight; float scatteredUpLight; float bouncedSunlight; float scatteredSunlight; float constant; }; struct Ray { vec3 dir; vec3 origin; }; struct Plane { vec3 normal; vec3 origin; }; struct SurfaceStruct { //Surface shading properties, attributes, and functions //Attributes that change how shading is applied to each pixel DiffuseAttributesStruct diffuse; //Contains all diffuse surface attributes SpecularAttributesStruct specular; //Contains all specular surface attributes SkyStruct sky; //Sky shading attributes and properties WaterStruct water; //Water shading attributes and properties MaskStruct mask; //Material ID Masks CloudsStruct clouds; AOStruct ao; //ambient occlusion //Properties that are required for lighting calculation vec3 albedo; //Diffuse texture aka "color texture" vec3 normal; //Screen-space surface normals float depth; //Scene depth float linearDepth; //Linear depth vec4 screenSpacePosition; //Vector representing the screen-space position of the surface vec4 worldSpacePosition; vec3 viewVector; //Vector representing the viewing direction vec3 lightVector; //Vector representing sunlight direction Ray viewRay; vec3 worldLightVector; vec3 upVector; //Vector representing "up" direction float NdotL; //dot(normal, lightVector). used for direct lighting calculation vec3 debug; float shadow; float cloudShadow; float cloudAlpha; } surface; struct LightmapStruct { //Lighting information to light the scene. These are untextured colored lightmaps to be multiplied with albedo to get the final lit and textured image. vec3 sunlight; //Direct light from the sun vec3 skylight; //Ambient light from the sky vec3 bouncedSunlight; //Fake bounced light, coming from opposite of sun direction and adding to ambient light vec3 scatteredSunlight; //Fake scattered sunlight, coming from same direction as sun and adding to ambient light vec3 scatteredUpLight; //Fake GI from ground vec3 torchlight; //Light emitted from torches and other emissive blocks vec3 lightning; //Light caused by lightning vec3 nolight; //Base ambient light added to everything. For lighting caves so that the player can barely see even when no lights are present vec3 specular; //Reflected direct light from sun vec3 translucent; //Light on the backside of objects representing thin translucent materials vec3 sky; //Color and brightness of the sky itself vec3 underwater; //underwater lightmap vec3 heldLight; } lightmap; struct ShadingStruct { //Shading calculation variables float direct; float waterDirect; float bounced; //Fake bounced sunlight float skylight; //Light coming from sky float scattered; //Fake scattered sunlight float scatteredUp; //Fake GI from ground float specular; //Reflected direct light float translucent; //Backside of objects lit up from the sun via thin translucent materials vec3 sunlightVisibility; //Shadows float heldLight; } shading; struct GlowStruct { vec3 torch; vec3 lava; vec3 glowstone; vec3 fire; }; struct FinalStruct { //Final textured and lit images sorted by what is illuminating them. GlowStruct glow; //Struct containing emissive material final images vec3 sunlight; //Direct light from the sun vec3 skylight; //Ambient light from the sky vec3 bouncedSunlight; //Fake bounced light, coming from opposite of sun direction and adding to ambient light vec3 scatteredSunlight; //Fake scattered sunlight, coming from same direction as sun and adding to ambient light vec3 scatteredUpLight; //Fake GI from ground vec3 torchlight; //Light emitted from torches and other emissive blocks vec3 lightning; //Light caused by lightning vec3 nolight; //Base ambient light added to everything. For lighting caves so that the player can barely see even when no lights are present vec3 translucent; //Light on the backside of objects representing thin translucent materials vec3 sky; //Color and brightness of the sky itself vec3 underwater; //underwater colors vec3 heldLight; } final; struct Intersection { vec3 pos; float distance; float angle; }; /////////////////////////STRUCT FUNCTIONS////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////STRUCT FUNCTIONS////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Mask void CalculateMasks(inout MaskStruct mask) { if (isEyeInWater > 0) mask.sky = 0.0f; else mask.sky = GetMaterialMask(texcoord.st, 0, mask.matIDs); mask.land = GetMaterialMask(texcoord.st, 1, mask.matIDs); mask.grass = GetMaterialMask(texcoord.st, 2, mask.matIDs); mask.leaves = GetMaterialMask(texcoord.st, 3, mask.matIDs); mask.hand = GetMaterialMask(texcoord.st, 5, mask.matIDs); mask.translucent = GetMaterialMask(texcoord.st, 6, mask.matIDs); mask.glow = GetMaterialMask(texcoord.st, 10, mask.matIDs); mask.sunspot = GetMaterialMask(texcoord.st, 11, mask.matIDs); mask.goldBlock = GetMaterialMask(texcoord.st, 20, mask.matIDs); mask.ironBlock = GetMaterialMask(texcoord.st, 21, mask.matIDs); mask.diamondBlock = GetMaterialMask(texcoord.st, 22, mask.matIDs); mask.emeraldBlock = GetMaterialMask(texcoord.st, 23, mask.matIDs); mask.sand = GetMaterialMask(texcoord.st, 24, mask.matIDs); mask.sandstone = GetMaterialMask(texcoord.st, 25, mask.matIDs); mask.stone = GetMaterialMask(texcoord.st, 26, mask.matIDs); mask.cobblestone = GetMaterialMask(texcoord.st, 27, mask.matIDs); mask.wool = GetMaterialMask(texcoord.st, 28, mask.matIDs); mask.clouds = GetMaterialMask(texcoord.st, 29, mask.matIDs); mask.torch = GetMaterialMask(texcoord.st, 30, mask.matIDs); mask.lava = GetMaterialMask(texcoord.st, 31, mask.matIDs); mask.glowstone = GetMaterialMask(texcoord.st, 32, mask.matIDs); mask.fire = GetMaterialMask(texcoord.st, 33, mask.matIDs); float transparentID = GetTransparentID(texcoord.st); mask.water = GetWaterMask(texcoord.st, transparentID); mask.stainedGlass = GetStainedGlassMask(texcoord.st, transparentID); mask.ice = GetIceMask(texcoord.st, transparentID); mask.volumeCloud = 0.0f; } //Surface void CalculateNdotL(inout SurfaceStruct surface) { //Calculates direct sunlight without visibility check float direct = dot(surface.normal.rgb, surface.lightVector); direct = direct * 1.0f + 0.0f; //direct = clamp(direct, 0.0f, 1.0f); surface.NdotL = direct; } float CalculateDirectLighting(in SurfaceStruct surface) { //Tall grass translucent shading if (surface.mask.grass > 0.5f) { return clamp(dot(surface.lightVector, surface.upVector) * 0.8 + 0.2, 0.0, 1.0); //Leaves } else if (surface.mask.leaves > 0.5f) { // if (surface.NdotL > -0.01f) { // return surface.NdotL * 0.99f + 0.01f; // } else { // return abs(surface.NdotL) * 0.25f; // } return 0.5f; //clouds } else if (surface.mask.clouds > 0.5f) { return 0.5f; } else if (surface.mask.ice > 0.5f) { return pow(surface.NdotL * 0.5 + 0.5, 2.0f); //Default lambert shading } else { const float PI = 3.14159; const float roughness = 0.95; // interpolating normals will change the length of the normal, so renormalize the normal. vec3 normal = normalize(surface.normal.xyz); vec3 eyeDir = normalize(-surface.screenSpacePosition.xyz); // normal = normalize(normal + surface.lightVector * pow(clamp(dot(eyeDir, surface.lightVector), 0.0, 1.0), 5.0) * 0.5); // normal = normalize(normal + eyeDir * clamp(dot(normal, eyeDir), 0.0f, 1.0f)); // calculate intermediary values float NdotL = dot(normal, surface.lightVector.xyz); float NdotV = dot(normal, eyeDir); float angleVN = acos(NdotV); float angleLN = acos(NdotL); float alpha = max(angleVN, angleLN); float beta = min(angleVN, angleLN); float gamma = dot(eyeDir - normal * dot(eyeDir, normal), surface.lightVector - normal * dot(surface.lightVector, normal)); float roughnessSquared = roughness * roughness; // calculate A and B float A = 1.0 - 0.5 * (roughnessSquared / (roughnessSquared + 0.57)); float B = 0.45 * (roughnessSquared / (roughnessSquared + 0.09)); float C = sin(alpha) * tan(beta); // put it all together float L1 = max(0.0, NdotL) * (A + B * max(0.0, gamma) * C); //return max(0.0f, surface.NdotL * 0.99f + 0.01f); return clamp(L1, 0.0f, 1.0f); } } vec3 CalculateSunlightVisibility(inout SurfaceStruct surface, in ShadingStruct shadingStruct) { //Calculates shadows if (rainStrength >= 0.99f) return vec3(1.0f); if (shadingStruct.direct > 0.0f) { float distance = sqrt( surface.screenSpacePosition.x * surface.screenSpacePosition.x //Get surface distance in meters + surface.screenSpacePosition.y * surface.screenSpacePosition.y + surface.screenSpacePosition.z * surface.screenSpacePosition.z); vec4 ssp = surface.screenSpacePosition; if (isEyeInWater > 0.5) { ssp.xy *= 0.8; } vec4 worldposition = vec4(0.0f); worldposition = gbufferModelViewInverse * ssp; //Transform from screen space to world space #if defined PIXEL_SHADOWS worldposition.xyz += cameraPosition.xyz + 0.001; worldposition.xyz = floor(worldposition.xyz * TEXTURE_RESOLUTION) / TEXTURE_RESOLUTION; worldposition.xyz -= cameraPosition.xyz; #endif float yDistanceSquared = worldposition.y * worldposition.y; worldposition = shadowModelView * worldposition; //Transform from world space to shadow space float comparedepth = -worldposition.z; //Surface distance from sun to be compared to the shadow map worldposition = shadowProjection * worldposition; worldposition /= worldposition.w; float dist = sqrt(worldposition.x * worldposition.x + worldposition.y * worldposition.y); float distortFactor = (1.0f - SHADOW_MAP_BIAS) + dist * SHADOW_MAP_BIAS; worldposition.xy *= 0.95f / distortFactor; worldposition = worldposition * 0.5f + 0.5f; //Transform from shadow space to shadow map coordinates float shadowMult = 0.0f; //Multiplier used to fade out shadows at distance float shading = 0.0f; float fademult = 0.15f; shadowMult = clamp((shadowDistance * 41.4f * fademult) - (distance * fademult), 0.0f, 1.0f); //Calculate shadowMult to fade shadows out if (shadowMult > 0.0) { float diffthresh = dist * 1.0f + 0.10f; diffthresh *= 3.0f / (shadowMapResolution / 2048.0f); //diffthresh /= shadingStruct.direct + 0.1f; #if defined PIXEL_SHADOWS diffthresh *= 2.5; #endif #if defined ENABLE_SOFT_SHADOWS int count = 0; float spread = 1.0f / shadowMapResolution; vec3 noise = CalculateNoisePattern1(vec2(0.0), 64.0); for (float i = -1.0f; i <= 1.0f; i += 1.0f) { for (float j = -1.0f; j <= 1.0f; j += 1.0f) { float angle = noise.x * 3.14159 * 2.0; mat2 rot = mat2(cos(angle), -sin(angle), sin(angle), cos(angle)); vec2 coord = vec2(i, j) * rot; shading += shadow2D(shadow, vec3(worldposition.st + coord * spread, worldposition.z - 0.0008f * diffthresh)).x; count += 1; } } shading /= count; #elif defined VARIABLE_PENUMBRA_SHADOWS float vpsSpread = 0.125 / distortFactor; float avgDepth = 0.0; float minDepth = 11.0; int c; for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) { for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++) { vec2 lookupCoord = worldposition.xy + (vec2(i, j) / shadowMapResolution) * 8.0 * vpsSpread; //avgDepth += pow(texture2DLod(shadowtex1, lookupCoord, 2).x, 4.1); float depthSample = texture2DLod(shadowtex1, lookupCoord, 2).x; minDepth = min(minDepth, texture2DLod(shadowtex1, lookupCoord, 2).x); avgDepth += pow(min(max(0.0, worldposition.z - depthSample) * 1.0, 0.15), 2.0); c++; } } avgDepth /= c; avgDepth = pow(avgDepth, 1.0 / 2.0); // float penumbraSize = min(abs(worldposition.z - minDepth), 0.15); float penumbraSize = avgDepth; int count = 0; float spread = penumbraSize * 0.0125 * vpsSpread + 0.5 / shadowMapResolution; vec3 noise = CalculateNoisePattern1(vec2(0.0), 64.0); diffthresh *= 1.0 + avgDepth * 130.0; for (float i = -2.0f; i <= 2.0f; i += 1.0f) { for (float j = -2.0f; j <= 2.0f; j += 1.0f) { float angle = noise.x * 3.14159 * 2.0; mat2 rot = mat2(cos(angle), -sin(angle), sin(angle), cos(angle)); vec2 coord = vec2(i, j) * rot; shading += shadow2D(shadow, vec3(worldposition.st + coord * spread, worldposition.z - 0.0012f * diffthresh)).x; count += 1; } } shading /= count; #else //diffthresh *= 2.0f; shading = shadow2DLod(shadow, vec3(worldposition.st, worldposition.z - 0.0006f * diffthresh), 0).x; #endif } //shading = mix(1.0f, shading, shadowMult); surface.shadow = shading; vec3 result = vec3(shading); ///* #ifdef COLORED_SHADOWS float shadowNormalAlpha = texture2DLod(shadowcolor1, worldposition.st, 0).a; vec3 noise2 = CalculateNoisePattern1(vec2(0.0), 64.0); //worldposition.st += (noise2.xy * 2.0 - 1.0) / shadowMapResolution; if (shadowNormalAlpha < 0.5) { result = mix(vec3(1.0), pow(texture2DLod(shadowcolor, worldposition.st, 0).rgb, vec3(1.6)), vec3(1.0 - shading)); float solidDepth = texture2DLod(shadowtex1, worldposition.st, 0).x; float solidShadow = 1.0 - clamp((worldposition.z - solidDepth) * 1200.0, 0.0, 1.0); result *= solidShadow; } #endif //*/ result = mix(vec3(1.0), result, shadowMult); return result; } else { return vec3(0.0f); } } float CalculateBouncedSunlight(in SurfaceStruct surface) { float NdotL = surface.NdotL; float bounced = clamp(-NdotL + 0.95f, 0.0f, 1.95f) / 1.95f; bounced = bounced * bounced * bounced; return bounced; } float CalculateScatteredSunlight(in SurfaceStruct surface) { float NdotL = surface.NdotL; float scattered = clamp(NdotL * 0.75f + 0.25f, 0.0f, 1.0f); //scattered *= scattered * scattered; return scattered; } float CalculateSkylight(in SurfaceStruct surface) { if (surface.mask.clouds > 0.5f) { return 1.0f; } else if (surface.mask.leaves > 0.5) { return dot(surface.normal, surface.upVector) * 0.35 + 0.65; } else if (surface.mask.grass > 0.5f) { return 1.0f; } else { float skylight = dot(surface.normal, surface.upVector); skylight = skylight * 0.45f + 0.55f; return skylight; } } float CalculateScatteredUpLight(in SurfaceStruct surface) { float scattered = dot(surface.normal, surface.upVector); scattered = scattered * 0.5f + 0.5f; scattered = 1.0f - scattered; return scattered; } float CalculateHeldLightShading(in SurfaceStruct surface) { vec3 lightPos = vec3(0.0f); vec3 lightVector = normalize(lightPos - surface.screenSpacePosition.xyz); float lightDist = length(lightPos.xyz - surface.screenSpacePosition.xyz); float atten = 1.0f / (pow(lightDist, 2.0f) + 0.001f); float NdotL = 1.0f; return atten * NdotL; } float CalculateSunglow(in SurfaceStruct surface) { float curve = 4.0f; vec3 npos = normalize(surface.screenSpacePosition.xyz); vec3 halfVector2 = normalize(-surface.lightVector + npos); float factor = 1.0f - dot(halfVector2, npos); return factor * factor * factor * factor; } float CalculateAntiSunglow(in SurfaceStruct surface) { float curve = 4.0f; vec3 npos = normalize(surface.screenSpacePosition.xyz); vec3 halfVector2 = normalize(surface.lightVector + npos); float factor = 1.0f - dot(halfVector2, npos); return factor * factor * factor * factor; } bool CalculateSunspot(in SurfaceStruct surface) { //circular sun float curve = 1.0f; vec3 npos = normalize(surface.screenSpacePosition.xyz); vec3 halfVector2 = normalize(-surface.lightVector + npos); float sunProximity = 1.0f - dot(halfVector2, npos); if (sunProximity > 0.96f && sunAngle > 0.0f && sunAngle < 0.5f) { return true; } else { return false; } //Sun based on matID // if (surface.mask.sunspot) // return true; // else // return false; } void GetLightVectors(inout MCLightmapStruct mcLightmap, in SurfaceStruct surface) { vec2 torchDiff = vec2(0.0f); torchDiff.x = GetLightmapTorch(texcoord.st) - GetLightmapTorch(texcoord.st + vec2(1.0f / viewWidth, 0.0f)); torchDiff.y = GetLightmapTorch(texcoord.st) - GetLightmapTorch(texcoord.st + vec2(0.0f, 1.0f / viewWidth)); //torchDiff /= GetDepthLinear(texcoord.st); mcLightmap.torchVector.x = torchDiff.x * 200.0f; //mcLightmap.torchVector.x *= 1.0f - surface.viewVector.x; mcLightmap.torchVector.y = torchDiff.y * 200.0f; mcLightmap.torchVector.x = 1.0f; mcLightmap.torchVector.y = 0.0f; mcLightmap.torchVector.z = sqrt(1.0f - mcLightmap.torchVector.x * mcLightmap.torchVector.x + mcLightmap.torchVector.y + mcLightmap.torchVector.y); float torchNormal = dot(surface.normal.rgb, mcLightmap.torchVector.rgb); mcLightmap.torchVector.x = torchNormal; //mcLightmap.torchVector = mcLightmap.torchVector * 0.5f + 0.5f; } void AddSkyGradient(inout SurfaceStruct surface) { float curve = 5.0f; vec3 npos = normalize(surface.screenSpacePosition.xyz); vec3 halfVector2 = normalize(-surface.upVector + npos); float skyGradientFactor = dot(halfVector2, npos); float skyDirectionGradient = skyGradientFactor; if (dot(halfVector2, npos) > 0.75) skyGradientFactor = 1.5f - skyGradientFactor; skyGradientFactor = pow(skyGradientFactor, curve); surface.sky.albedo = CalculateLuminance(surface.sky.albedo) * colorSkylight; surface.sky.albedo *= mix(skyGradientFactor, 1.0f, clamp((0.12f - (timeNoon * 0.1f)) + rainStrength, 0.0f, 1.0f)); surface.sky.albedo *= pow(skyGradientFactor, 2.5f) + 0.2f; surface.sky.albedo *= (pow(skyGradientFactor, 1.1f) + 0.425f) * 0.5f; surface.sky.albedo.g *= skyGradientFactor * 1.0f + 1.0f; vec3 linFogColor = pow(gl_Fog.color.rgb, vec3(2.2f)); float fogLum = max(max(linFogColor.r, linFogColor.g), linFogColor.b); float fade1 = clamp(skyGradientFactor - 0.05f, 0.0f, 0.2f) / 0.2f; fade1 = fade1 * fade1 * (3.0f - 2.0f * fade1); vec3 color1 = vec3(12.0f, 8.0, 4.7f) * 0.15f; color1 = mix(color1, vec3(2.0f, 0.55f, 0.2f), vec3(timeSunriseSunset)); surface.sky.albedo *= mix(vec3(1.0f), color1, vec3(fade1)); float fade2 = clamp(skyGradientFactor - 0.11f, 0.0f, 0.2f) / 0.2f; vec3 color2 = vec3(2.7f, 1.0f, 2.8f) / 20.0f; color2 = mix(color2, vec3(1.0f, 0.15f, 0.5f), vec3(timeSunriseSunset)); surface.sky.albedo *= mix(vec3(1.0f), color2, vec3(fade2 * 0.5f)); float horizonGradient = 1.0f - distance(skyDirectionGradient, 0.72f) / 0.72f; horizonGradient = pow(horizonGradient, 10.0f); horizonGradient = max(0.0f, horizonGradient); float sunglow = CalculateSunglow(surface); horizonGradient *= sunglow * 2.0f + (0.65f - timeSunriseSunset * 0.55f); vec3 horizonColor1 = vec3(1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f); horizonColor1 = mix(horizonColor1, vec3(1.5f, 1.95f, 1.5f) * 2.0f, vec3(timeSunriseSunset)); vec3 horizonColor2 = vec3(1.5f, 1.2f, 0.8f) * 1.0f; horizonColor2 = mix(horizonColor2, vec3(1.9f, 0.6f, 0.4f) * 2.0f, vec3(timeSunriseSunset)); surface.sky.albedo *= mix(vec3(1.0f), horizonColor1, vec3(horizonGradient) * (1.0f - timeMidnight)); surface.sky.albedo *= mix(vec3(1.0f), horizonColor2, vec3(pow(horizonGradient, 2.0f)) * (1.0f - timeMidnight)); float grayscale = fogLum / 10.0f; grayscale /= 3.0f; surface.sky.albedo = mix(surface.sky.albedo, vec3(grayscale * colorSkylight.r) * 0.06f * vec3(0.85f, 0.85f, 1.0f), vec3(rainStrength)); surface.sky.albedo /= fogLum; surface.sky.albedo *= mix(1.0f, 4.5f, timeNoon); // //Fake land // vec3 fakeLandColor = vec3(0.2f, 0.5f, 1.0f) * 0.006f; // surface.sky.albedo = mix(surface.sky.albedo, fakeLandColor, vec3(clamp(skyGradientFactor * 8.0f - 0.7f, 0.0f, 1.0f))); surface.sky.albedo *= (surface.mask.sky); } void AddSunglow(inout SurfaceStruct surface) { float sunglowFactor = CalculateSunglow(surface); float antiSunglowFactor = CalculateAntiSunglow(surface); surface.sky.albedo *= 1.0f + pow(sunglowFactor, 1.1f) * (7.0f + timeNoon * 1.0f) * (1.0f - rainStrength) * 0.4; surface.sky.albedo *= mix(vec3(1.0f), colorSunlight * 11.0f, pow(clamp(vec3(sunglowFactor) * (1.0f - timeMidnight) * (1.0f - rainStrength), vec3(0.0f), vec3(1.0f)), vec3(2.0f))); surface.sky.albedo = mix(surface.sky.albedo, colorSunlight * surface.mask.sky * (0.25 + timeSunriseSunset * 0.25), pow(clamp(vec3(sunglowFactor) * (1.0f - timeMidnight) * (1.0f - rainStrength), vec3(0.0f), vec3(1.0f)), vec3(5.0f))); surface.sky.albedo *= 1.0f + antiSunglowFactor * 2.0f * (1.0f - rainStrength); //surface.sky.albedo *= mix(vec3(1.0f), colorSunlight, antiSunglowFactor); } void AddCloudGlow(inout vec3 color, in SurfaceStruct surface) { float glow = CalculateSunglow(surface); glow = pow(glow, 1.0f); float mult = mix(50.0f, 800.0f, timeSkyDark); color.rgb *= 1.0f + glow * mult * (surface.mask.clouds); } void CalculateUnderwaterFog(in SurfaceStruct surface, inout vec3 finalComposite) { vec3 fogColor = colorWaterMurk * vec3(colorSkylight.b); // float fogDensity = 0.045f; // float fogFactor = exp(GetDepthLinear(texcoord.st) * fogDensity) - 1.0f; // fogFactor = min(fogFactor, 1.0f); float fogFactor = GetDepthLinear(texcoord.st) / 100.0f; fogFactor = min(fogFactor, 0.7f); fogFactor = sin(fogFactor * 3.1415 / 2.0f); fogFactor = pow(fogFactor, 0.5f); finalComposite.rgb = mix(finalComposite.rgb, fogColor * 0.002f, vec3(fogFactor)); finalComposite.rgb *= mix(vec3(1.0f), colorWaterBlue * colorWaterBlue * colorWaterBlue * colorWaterBlue, vec3(fogFactor)); //finalComposite.rgb = vec3(0.1f); } void TestRaymarch(inout vec3 color, in SurfaceStruct surface) { //visualize march steps float rayDepth = 0.0f; float rayIncrement = 0.05f; float fogFactor = 0.0f; while (rayDepth < 1.0f) { vec4 rayPosition = GetScreenSpacePosition(texcoord.st, pow(rayDepth, 0.002f)); if (abs(rayPosition.z - surface.screenSpacePosition.z) < 0.025f) { color.rgb = vec3(0.01f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } // if (SphereTestDistance(vec3(surface.screenSpacePosition.x, surface.screenSpacePosition.y, surface.screenSpacePosition.z)) <= 0.001f) // fogFactor += 0.001f; rayDepth += rayIncrement; } // color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, vec3(1.0f) * 0.01f, fogFactor); // vec4 newPosition = surface.screenSpacePosition; // color.rgb = vec3(distance(newPosition.rgb, vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) * 0.00001f); } void InitializeAO(inout SurfaceStruct surface) { surface.ao.skylight = 1.0f; surface.ao.bouncedSunlight = 1.0f; surface.ao.scatteredUpLight = 1.0f; surface.ao.constant = 1.0f; } void CalculateAO(inout SurfaceStruct surface) { const int numSamples = 20; vec3[numSamples] kernel; vec3 stochastic = texture2D(noisetex, texcoord.st * vec2(viewWidth, viewHeight) / noiseTextureResolution).rgb; //Generate positions for sample points in hemisphere for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) { //Random direction kernel[i] = vec3(texture2D(noisetex, vec2(0.0f + (i * 1.0f) / noiseTextureResolution)).r * 2.0f - 1.0f, texture2D(noisetex, vec2(0.0f + (i * 1.0f) / noiseTextureResolution)).g * 2.0f - 1.0f, texture2D(noisetex, vec2(0.0f + (i * 1.0f) / noiseTextureResolution)).b * 2.0f - 1.0f); //kernel[i] += (stochastic * vec3(2.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f) - vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)) * 0.0f; kernel[i] = normalize(kernel[i]); //scale randomly to distribute within hemisphere; kernel[i] *= pow(texture2D(noisetex, vec2(0.3f + (i * 1.0f) / noiseTextureResolution)).r * CalculateNoisePattern1(vec2(43.0f), 64.0f).x * 1.0f, 1.2f); } //Determine origin position and normal vec3 origin = surface.screenSpacePosition.xyz; vec3 normal = surface.normal.xyz; //normal = lightVector; //Create matrix to orient hemisphere according to surface normal //vec3 randomRotation = texture2D(noisetex, texcoord.st * vec2(viewWidth / noiseTextureResolution, viewHeight / noiseTextureResolution)).rgb * 2.0f - 1.0f; //float dither1 = CalculateDitherPattern1() * 2.0f - 1.0f; //randomRotation = vec3(dither1, mod(dither1 + 0.5f, 2.0f), mod(dither1 + 1.0f, 2.0f)); vec3 randomRotation = CalculateNoisePattern1(vec2(0.0f), 64.0f).xyz * 2.0f - 1.0f; //vec3 randomRotation = vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); vec3 tangent = normalize(randomRotation - upVector * dot(randomRotation, upVector)); vec3 bitangent = cross(upVector, tangent); mat3 tbn = mat3(tangent, bitangent, upVector); float ao = 0.0f; float aoSkylight = 0.0f; float aoUp = 0.0f; float aoBounced = 0.0f; float aoScattered = 0.0f; float aoRadius = 0.35f * -surface.screenSpacePosition.z; //aoRadius = 3.0f; float zThickness = 0.35f * -surface.screenSpacePosition.z; zThickness = 6.0f; vec3 samplePosition = vec3(0.0f); float intersect = 0.0f; vec4 sampleScreenSpace = vec4(0.0f); float sampleDepth = 0.0f; float distanceWeight = 0.0f; float finalRadius = 0.0f; float skylightWeight = 0.0f; float bouncedWeight = 0.0f; float scatteredUpWeight = 0.0f; float scatteredSunWeight = 0.0f; vec3 bentNormal = vec3(0.0f); for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) { samplePosition = tbn * kernel[i]; samplePosition = samplePosition * aoRadius + origin; intersect = dot(normalize(samplePosition - origin), surface.normal); if (intersect > 0.2f) { //Convert camera space to screen space sampleScreenSpace = gbufferProjection * vec4(samplePosition, 1.0f); sampleScreenSpace.xyz /= sampleScreenSpace.w; sampleScreenSpace.xyz = sampleScreenSpace.xyz * 0.5f + 0.5f; //Check depth at sample point sampleDepth = GetScreenSpacePosition(sampleScreenSpace.xy).z; //If point is behind geometry, buildup AO if (sampleDepth >= samplePosition.z && surface.mask.sky < 0.5f) { //Reduce halo float sampleLength = length(samplePosition - origin) * 4.0f; //distanceWeight = 1.0f - clamp(distance(sampleDepth, origin.z) - (sampleLength * 0.5f), 0.0f, sampleLength * 0.5f) / (sampleLength * 0.5f); distanceWeight = 1.0f - step(sampleLength, distance(sampleDepth, origin.z)); //Weigh samples based on light direction skylightWeight = clamp(dot(normalize(samplePosition - origin), upVector) * 1.0f - 0.0f , 0.0f, 0.01f) / 0.01f; //skylightWeight += clamp(dot(normalize(samplePosition - origin), upVector), 0.0f, 1.0f); bouncedWeight = clamp(dot(normalize(samplePosition - origin), -lightVector) * 1.0f - 0.0f , 0.0f, 0.51f) / 0.51f; scatteredUpWeight = clamp(dot(normalize(samplePosition - origin), -upVector) * 1.0f - 0.0f , 0.0f, 0.51f) / 0.51f; scatteredSunWeight = clamp(dot(normalize(samplePosition - origin), lightVector) * 1.0f - 0.25f, 0.0f, 0.51f) / 0.51f; //buildup occlusion more for further facing surfaces skylightWeight /= clamp(dot(normal, upVector) * 0.5f + 0.501f, 0.01f, 1.0f); bouncedWeight /= clamp(dot(normal, -lightVector) * 0.5f + 0.501f, 0.01f, 1.0f); scatteredUpWeight /= clamp(dot(normal, -upVector) * 0.5f + 0.501f, 0.01f, 1.0f); scatteredSunWeight /= clamp(dot(normal, lightVector) * 0.75f + 0.25f, 0.01f, 1.0f); //Accumulate ao ao += 2.0f * distanceWeight; aoSkylight += 2.0f * distanceWeight * skylightWeight ; aoUp += 2.0f * distanceWeight * scatteredUpWeight ; aoBounced += 2.0f * distanceWeight * bouncedWeight ; aoScattered += 2.0f * distanceWeight * scatteredSunWeight ; } else { bentNormal.rgb += normalize(samplePosition - origin); } } } bentNormal.rgb /= numSamples; ao /= numSamples; aoSkylight /= numSamples; aoUp /= numSamples; aoBounced /= numSamples; aoScattered /= numSamples; ao = 1.0f - ao; aoSkylight = 1.0f - aoSkylight; aoUp = 1.0f - aoUp; aoBounced = 1.0f - aoBounced; aoScattered = 1.0f - aoScattered; ao = clamp(ao, 0.0f, 1.0f); aoSkylight = clamp(aoSkylight, 0.0f, 1.0f); aoUp = clamp(aoUp, 0.0f, 1.0f); aoBounced = clamp(aoBounced, 0.0f, 1.0f); aoScattered = clamp(aoScattered, 0.0f, 1.0f); surface.ao.constant = pow(ao, 1.0f); surface.ao.skylight = pow(aoSkylight, 3.0f); surface.ao.bouncedSunlight = pow(aoBounced, 6.0f); surface.ao.scatteredUpLight = pow(aoUp, 6.0f); surface.ao.scatteredSunlight = pow(aoScattered, 1.0f); surface.debug = vec3(pow(aoSkylight, 2.0f) * clamp((dot(surface.normal, upVector) * 0.75f + 0.25f), 0.0f, 1.0f)); //surface.debug = vec3(dot(normalize(bentNormal), upVector)); } void CalculateRainFog(inout vec3 color, in SurfaceStruct surface) { vec3 fogColor = colorSkylight * 0.055f; float fogDensity = 0.00018f * rainStrength; fogDensity *= mix(0.0f, 1.0f, pow(eyeBrightnessSmooth.y / 240.0f, 6.0f)); float visibility = 1.0f / (pow(exp(distance(surface.screenSpacePosition.xyz, vec3(0.0f)) * fogDensity), 1.0f)); float fogFactor = 1.0f - visibility; fogFactor = clamp(fogFactor, 0.0f, 1.0f); fogFactor = mix(fogFactor, 1.0f, (surface.mask.sky) * 0.8f * rainStrength); fogFactor = mix(fogFactor, 1.0f, (surface.mask.clouds) * 0.8f * rainStrength); fogFactor *= mix(1.0f, 0.0f, (surface.mask.sky)); color = mix(color, fogColor, vec3(fogFactor)); } void CalculateAtmosphericScattering(inout vec3 color, in SurfaceStruct surface) { // vec3 fogColor = mix(colorSkylight, colorSunlight, vec3(0.05f)) * 0.11f; // float sat = 0.1f; // fogColor.r = fogColor.r * (1.0f + sat) - (fogColor.g + fogColor.b) * 0.5f * sat; // fogColor.g = fogColor.g * (1.0f + sat) - (fogColor.r + fogColor.b) * 0.5f * sat; // fogColor.b = fogColor.b * (1.0f + sat) - (fogColor.r + fogColor.g) * 0.5f * sat; vec3 fogColor = pow(colorSkylight, vec3(1.55f)); float sunglow = pow(CalculateSunglow(surface), 2.0f); vec3 sunColor = colorSunlight; //fogColor += mix(vec3(0.0f), sunColor * 10.0f, sunglow * 0.8f); float fogFactor = pow(surface.linearDepth / 1500.0f, 2.0f); //fogFactor = mix(fogFactor, 1.0f, float(surface.mask.sky) * 0.8f * rainStrength); //fogFactor = mix(fogFactor, 1.0f, float(surface.mask.clouds) * 0.8f * rainStrength); fogFactor = mix(fogFactor, 0.0f, min(1.0f, surface.sky.sunSpot.r)); fogFactor *= mix(1.0f, 0.0f, (surface.mask.sky)); fogFactor *= mix(1.0f, 0.75f, (surface.mask.clouds)); fogFactor *= pow(eyeBrightnessSmooth.y / 240.0f, 1.0f); // float redshift = 100.5f * (1.0f - rainStrength); // redshift *= float(!surface.mask.sky); // //scatter away high frequency light // color.b *= 1.0f - clamp(fogFactor * 1.65 * redshift, 0.0f, 0.75f); // color.g *= 1.0f - fogFactor * 0.8* redshift; // color.g *= 1.0f - clamp(fogFactor - 0.26f, 0.0f, 1.0f) * 0.5* redshift; //add scattered low frequency light color += fogColor * fogFactor * 0.0005f; } Intersection RayPlaneIntersectionWorld(in Ray ray, in Plane plane) { float rayPlaneAngle = dot(ray.dir, plane.normal); float planeRayDist = 100000000.0f; vec3 intersectionPos = ray.dir * planeRayDist; if (rayPlaneAngle > 0.0001f || rayPlaneAngle < -0.0001f) { planeRayDist = dot((plane.origin), plane.normal) / rayPlaneAngle; intersectionPos = ray.dir * planeRayDist; intersectionPos = -intersectionPos; intersectionPos += cameraPosition.xyz; } Intersection i; i.pos = intersectionPos; i.distance = planeRayDist; i.angle = rayPlaneAngle; return i; } Intersection RayPlaneIntersection(in Ray ray, in Plane plane) { float rayPlaneAngle = dot(ray.dir, plane.normal); float planeRayDist = 100000000.0f; vec3 intersectionPos = ray.dir * planeRayDist; if (rayPlaneAngle > 0.0001f || rayPlaneAngle < -0.0001f) { planeRayDist = dot((plane.origin - ray.origin), plane.normal) / rayPlaneAngle; intersectionPos = ray.origin + ray.dir * planeRayDist; // intersectionPos = -intersectionPos; // intersectionPos += cameraPosition.xyz; } Intersection i; i.pos = intersectionPos; i.distance = planeRayDist; i.angle = rayPlaneAngle; return i; } float CubicSmooth(float x) { return x * x * (3.0 - 2.0 * x); } float Get3DNoise(in vec3 pos) { pos.z += 0.0f; pos.xyz += 0.5f; vec3 p = floor(pos); vec3 f = fract(pos); // f.x = f.x * f.x * (3.0f - 2.0f * f.x); // f.y = f.y * f.y * (3.0f - 2.0f * f.y); // f.z = f.z * f.z * (3.0f - 2.0f * f.z); vec2 uv = (p.xy + p.z * vec2(17.0f)) + f.xy; vec2 uv2 = (p.xy + (p.z + 1.0f) * vec2(17.0f)) + f.xy; // uv -= 0.5f; // uv2 -= 0.5f; vec2 coord = (uv + 0.5f) / noiseTextureResolution; vec2 coord2 = (uv2 + 0.5f) / noiseTextureResolution; float xy1 = texture2D(noisetex, coord).x; float xy2 = texture2D(noisetex, coord2).x; return mix(xy1, xy2, f.z); } float GetCoverage(in float coverage, in float density, in float clouds) { clouds = clamp(clouds - (1.0f - coverage), 0.0f, 1.0f -density) / (1.0f - density); clouds = max(0.0f, clouds * 1.1f - 0.1f); clouds = clouds = clouds * clouds * (3.0f - 2.0f * clouds); // clouds = pow(clouds, 1.0f); return clouds; } vec4 CloudColor(in vec4 worldPosition, in float sunglow, in vec3 worldLightVector, in float altitude, in float thickness, const bool isShadowPass) { float cloudHeight = altitude; float cloudDepth = thickness; float cloudUpperHeight = cloudHeight + (cloudDepth / 2.0f); float cloudLowerHeight = cloudHeight - (cloudDepth / 2.0f); //worldPosition.xz /= 1.0f + max(0.0f, length(worldPosition.xz - cameraPosition.xz) / 5000.0f); vec3 p = worldPosition.xyz / 150.0f; float t = frameTimeCounter * 1.0f; t *= 0.5; p += (Get3DNoise(p * 2.0f + vec3(0.0f, t * 0.00f, 0.0f)) * 2.0f - 1.0f) * 0.10f; p.z -= (Get3DNoise(p * 0.25f + vec3(0.0f, t * 0.00f, 0.0f)) * 2.0f - 1.0f) * 0.45f; p.x -= (Get3DNoise(p * 0.125f + vec3(0.0f, t * 0.00f, 0.0f)) * 2.0f - 1.0f) * 3.2f; p.xz -= (Get3DNoise(p * 0.0525f + vec3(0.0f, t * 0.00f, 0.0f)) * 2.0f - 1.0f) * 2.7f; p.x *= 0.5f; p.x -= t * 0.01f; vec3 p1 = p * vec3(1.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f) + vec3(0.0f, t * 0.01f, 0.0f); float noise = Get3DNoise(p * vec3(1.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f) + vec3(0.0f, t * 0.01f, 0.0f)); p *= 2.0f; p.x -= t * 0.057f; vec3 p2 = p; noise += (2.0f - abs(Get3DNoise(p) * 2.0f - 0.0f)) * (0.25f); p *= 3.0f; p.xz -= t * 0.035f; p.x *= 2.0f; vec3 p3 = p; noise += (3.0f - abs(Get3DNoise(p) * 3.0f - 0.0f)) * (0.085f); p *= 3.0f; p.xz -= t * 0.035f; vec3 p4 = p; noise += (3.0f - abs(Get3DNoise(p) * 3.0f - 0.0f)) * (0.035f); p *= 3.0f; p.xz -= t * 0.035f; if (!isShadowPass) { noise += ((Get3DNoise(p))) * (0.039f); p *= 3.0f; noise += ((Get3DNoise(p))) * (0.014f); } noise /= 1.575f; //cloud edge float coverage = 0.67f; coverage = mix(coverage, 0.87f, rainStrength); float dist = length(worldPosition.xz - cameraPosition.xz * 0.5); coverage *= max(0.0f, 1.0f - dist / 4000.0f); float density = 0.1f - rainStrength * 0.3; if (isShadowPass) { return vec4(GetCoverage(0.4f, 0.4f, noise)); } noise = GetCoverage(coverage, density, noise); const float lightOffset = 0.2f; float sundiff = Get3DNoise(p1 + worldLightVector.xyz * lightOffset); sundiff += (2.0f - abs(Get3DNoise(p2 + worldLightVector.xyz * lightOffset / 2.0f) * 2.0f - 0.0f)) * (0.55f); float largeSundiff = sundiff; largeSundiff = -GetCoverage(coverage, 0.0f, largeSundiff * 1.3f); sundiff += (3.0f - abs(Get3DNoise(p3 + worldLightVector.xyz * lightOffset / 5.0f) * 3.0f - 0.0f)) * (0.045f); sundiff += (3.0f - abs(Get3DNoise(p4 + worldLightVector.xyz * lightOffset / 8.0f) * 3.0f - 0.0f)) * (0.015f); sundiff /= 1.5f; sundiff = -GetCoverage(coverage * 1.0f, 0.0f, sundiff); float secondOrder = pow(clamp(sundiff * 1.1f + 1.45f, 0.0f, 1.0f), 7.0f); float firstOrder = pow(clamp(largeSundiff * 1.1f + 1.66f, 0.0f, 1.0f), 3.0f); float directLightFalloff = firstOrder * secondOrder; float anisoBackFactor = mix(clamp(pow(noise, 1.6f) * 2.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f), 1.0f, pow(sunglow, 1.0f)); directLightFalloff *= anisoBackFactor; directLightFalloff *= mix(11.5f, 1.0f, pow(sunglow, 0.5f)); vec3 colorDirect = colorSunlight * 0.215f; colorDirect = mix(colorDirect, colorDirect * vec3(0.2f, 0.5f, 1.0f), timeMidnight); colorDirect *= 1.0f + pow(sunglow, 2.0f) * 600.0f * pow(directLightFalloff, 1.1f) * (1.0f - rainStrength); colorDirect *= 1.0f + rainStrength * 3.25; vec3 colorAmbient = mix(colorSkylight, colorSunlight * 2.0f, vec3(0.15f)) * 0.03f; colorAmbient *= mix(1.0f, 0.3f, timeMidnight); colorAmbient = mix(colorAmbient, colorAmbient * 3.0f + colorSunlight * 0.05f, vec3(clamp(pow(1.0f - noise, 12.0f) * 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f))); directLightFalloff *= 2.0f; directLightFalloff *= mix(1.0, 0.125, rainStrength); //directLightFalloff += (pow(Get3DNoise(p3), 2.0f) * 0.5f + pow(Get3DNoise(p3 * 1.5f), 2.0f) * 0.25f) * 0.02f; //directLightFalloff *= Get3DNoise(p2); vec3 color = mix(colorAmbient, colorDirect, vec3(min(1.0f, directLightFalloff))); color *= 1.0f; color = mix(color, color * 0.9, rainStrength); vec4 result = vec4(color.rgb, noise); return result; } float pcurve(float x, float a, float b) { float k = pow(a+b, a+b) / (pow(a,a)*pow(b,b)); return k * pow(x, a) * pow(1.0 - x, b); } vec4 CloudColor2(in vec4 worldPosition, in float sunglow, in vec3 worldLightVector, in float altitude, in float heightFactor, const bool isShadowPass) { //worldPosition.xz /= 1.0f + max(0.0f, length(worldPosition.xz - cameraPosition.xz) / 5000.0f); vec3 p = worldPosition.xyz / 130.0f; float t = frameTimeCounter * 1.0f; t *= 0.05; //t *= 0.00; // p += (Get3DNoise(p * 2.0f + vec3(0.0f, t * 0.01f, 0.0f)) * 2.0f - 1.0f) * 0.1f; // p.z -= (Get3DNoise(p * 0.25f + vec3(0.0f, t * 0.01f, 0.0f)) * 2.0f - 1.0f) * 0.5f; // p.x -= (Get3DNoise(p * 0.125f + vec3(0.0f, t * 0.01f, 0.0f)) * 2.0f - 1.0f) * 1.2f; // p.xz -= (Get3DNoise(p * 0.0525f + vec3(0.0f, t * 0.01f, 0.0f)) * 2.0f - 1.0f) * 1.7f; p.x *= 0.5f; p.x -= t * 0.01f; vec3 p1 = p * vec3(1.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f) + vec3(0.0f, t * 0.01f, 0.0f); float noise = Get3DNoise(p * vec3(1.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f) + vec3(0.0f, t * 0.01f, 0.0f)) * 1.3; p *= 2.0f; p.x -= t * 0.557f; vec3 p2 = p; noise += (2.0f - abs(Get3DNoise(p) * 2.0f - 0.0f)) * (0.35f); p *= 3.0f; p.xz -= t * 0.905f; p.x *= 2.0f; vec3 p3 = p; float largeNoise = noise; noise += (3.0f - abs(Get3DNoise(p) * 3.0f - 0.0f)) * (0.085f); p *= 3.0f; p.xz -= t * 3.905f; vec3 p4 = p; noise += (3.0f - abs(Get3DNoise(p) * 3.0f - 0.0f)) * (0.035f); p *= 3.0f; p.xz -= t * 3.905f; noise += ((Get3DNoise(p))) * (0.04f); p *= 3.0f; noise /= 2.375f; //WEIFUIWEF //cloud height coverage falloff //cloud edge float coverage = 0.5f; coverage = mix(coverage, 0.87f, rainStrength); float dist = length(worldPosition.xz - cameraPosition.xz * 0.5) * 0.5; coverage *= max(0.0f, 1.0f - dist / 4000.0f); float density = 0.71f - rainStrength * 0.3; noise = GetCoverage(coverage, density, noise); const float lightOffset = 0.2f; noise *= pcurve(heightFactor, 0.5, 2.5) * saturate(heightFactor * 8.0 - 1.0); //noise *= heightFactor; if (noise < 0.0001) { return vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } float sundiff = Get3DNoise(p1 + worldLightVector.xyz * lightOffset) * 1.3; sundiff += (2.0f - abs(Get3DNoise(p2 + worldLightVector.xyz * lightOffset / 2.0f) * 2.0f - 0.0f)) * (0.35f); float largeSundiff = sundiff; largeSundiff = -GetCoverage(coverage, 0.0f, largeSundiff * 1.3f); // sundiff += (3.0f - abs(Get3DNoise(p3 + worldLightVector.xyz * lightOffset / 5.0f) * 3.0f - 0.0f)) * (0.035f); // sundiff += (3.0f - abs(Get3DNoise(p4 + worldLightVector.xyz * lightOffset / 8.0f) * 3.0f - 0.0f)) * (0.015f); sundiff /= 1.1f; sundiff *= max(0.0f, 1.0f - dist / 10000.0f); sundiff = -GetCoverage(coverage * 1.1f, -0.2f, sundiff); //sundiff *= pow(cos((heightFactor * 2.0 - 1.0) * 3.14159265 * 0.5) * 0.5 + 0.5, 0.8); //sundiff *= pcurve(max(0.0, heightFactor - worldLightVector.y * 0.1 - 0.05) * 0.5, 0.5, 1.5); sundiff *= pow(saturate(heightFactor * 1.5), 1.0); sundiff *= mix(1.0, pow(saturate((1.0 - heightFactor) * (1.0 + largeNoise * 1.0)), 1.0), 0.6); float secondOrder = pow(clamp(sundiff * 1.0f + 1.2f, 0.0f, 1.0f), 2.7f); float firstOrder = pow(clamp(sundiff * 0.9f + 1.1f, 0.0f, 1.0f), 13.0f); float thirdOrder = pow(clamp(-largeNoise * 1.0 + 2.0, 0.0, 3.0), 1.0); float directLightFalloff = mix(firstOrder * 2.0, secondOrder * 3.0, 0.15); float anisoBackFactor = mix(clamp(pow(noise, 1.3f) * 7.5f, 0.0f, 2.0f), 1.0f, pow(sunglow, 1.0f)); directLightFalloff *= anisoBackFactor * 0.8 + 0.2; //directLightFalloff *= mix(11.5f, 1.0f, pow(sunglow, 0.5f)); //directLightFalloff *= 0.5 + pow(1.0 - noise, 18.0) * 0.9; vec3 colorDirect = colorSunlight * 0.215f; colorDirect = mix(colorDirect, colorDirect * vec3(0.2f, 0.5f, 1.0f), timeMidnight); //colorDirect *= 1.0f + pow(sunglow, 2.0f) * 300.0f * pow(directLightFalloff, 1.1f) * (1.0f - rainStrength); //colorDirect *= 1.0f + rainStrength * 3.25; colorDirect *= 1.0 + 115.0 * pow((1.0 - noise), 5.0) * firstOrder * firstOrder * pow(sunglow, 1.0) * (1.0 - rainStrength); vec3 colorAmbient = mix(colorSkylight, colorSunlight * 2.0f, vec3(0.15f)) * 0.03f; colorAmbient *= mix(1.0f, 0.3f, timeMidnight); colorAmbient *= mix(1.0, 0.1, heightFactor); //colorAmbient = mix(colorAmbient, colorAmbient * 8.0f + colorSunlight * 0.0f, vec3(clamp(pow(1.0f - noise, 12.0f) * 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f))); //colorAmbient *= thirdOrder; //colorAmbient *= 0.0; //colorAmbient += colorSunlight * pow(thirdOrder, 3.0) * 0.02; //directLightFalloff *= 1.0f; directLightFalloff *= mix(1.0, 0.175, rainStrength); //directLightFalloff += (pow(Get3DNoise(p3), 2.0f) * 0.5f + pow(Get3DNoise(p3 * 1.5f), 2.0f) * 0.25f) * 0.02f; //directLightFalloff *= Get3DNoise(p2); vec3 color = mix(colorAmbient, colorDirect, vec3(min(1.0f, directLightFalloff))); //color = colorAmbient; color *= 1.0f; color = mix(color, color * 0.9, rainStrength); vec4 result = vec4(color.rgb, noise); return result; } void CloudPlane(SurfaceStruct surface, inout vec3 color) { //Initialize view ray vec4 worldVector = gbufferModelViewInverse * (vec4(-GetScreenSpacePosition(texcoord.st).xyz, 0.0)); surface.viewRay.dir = normalize(worldVector.xyz); surface.viewRay.origin = vec3(0.0f); float sunglow = CalculateSunglow(surface); float cloudsAltitude = 540.0f; float cloudsThickness = 150.0f; float cloudsUpperLimit = cloudsAltitude + cloudsThickness * 0.5f; float cloudsLowerLimit = cloudsAltitude - cloudsThickness * 0.5f; float density = 1.0f; float planeHeight = cloudsUpperLimit; float stepSize = 25.5f; planeHeight -= cloudsThickness * 0.85f; Plane pl; pl.origin = vec3(0.0f, cameraPosition.y - planeHeight, 0.0f); pl.normal = vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); Intersection i = RayPlaneIntersectionWorld(surface.viewRay, pl); vec3 original = color.rgb; if (i.angle < 0.0f) { if (i.distance < surface.linearDepth || surface.mask.sky > 0.5) { vec4 cloudSample = CloudColor(vec4(i.pos.xyz * 0.5f + vec3(30.0f) + vec3(1000.0, 0.0, 0.0), 1.0f), sunglow, surface.worldLightVector, cloudsAltitude, cloudsThickness, false); cloudSample.a = min(1.0f, cloudSample.a * density); color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, cloudSample.rgb * 1.0f, cloudSample.a); } } } void VolumeClouds(inout SurfaceStruct surface, inout vec3 color) { //Initialize view ray vec4 worldVector = gbufferModelViewInverse * (vec4(-GetScreenSpacePosition(texcoord.st).xyz, 0.0)); surface.viewRay.dir = normalize(worldVector.xyz); surface.viewRay.origin = vec3(0.0f); float sunglow = CalculateSunglow(surface); float cloudsAltitude = 540.0f; #ifdef HQ_VOLUMETRIC_CLOUDS float cloudsThickness = 120.0f; #else float cloudsThickness = 120.0f; #endif float cloudsUpperLimit = cloudsAltitude + cloudsThickness * 0.5f; float cloudsLowerLimit = cloudsAltitude - cloudsThickness * 0.5f; float density = 3.0f; float planeHeight = cloudsAltitude; //float stepSize = 25.5f; //planeHeight -= cloudsThickness * 0.85f; float alphaAccum = 1.0; vec3 original = color.rgb; #ifdef HQ_VOLUMETRIC_CLOUDS const int numSamples = 30; #else const int numSamples = 10; #endif float dither = CalculateDitherPattern1(); planeHeight -= dither * (cloudsThickness / numSamples); float heightFactor = 0.0 + dither / numSamples; for (int j = 0; j < numSamples; j++) { Plane pl; pl.origin = vec3(0.0f, cameraPosition.y - planeHeight, 0.0f); pl.normal = vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); Intersection i = RayPlaneIntersectionWorld(surface.viewRay, pl); if (i.angle < 0.0f) { if (i.distance < surface.linearDepth || surface.mask.sky > 0.5) { vec4 cloudSample = CloudColor2(vec4(i.pos.xyz * 0.5f + vec3(30.0f), 1.0f), sunglow, surface.worldLightVector, cloudsAltitude, heightFactor, false); cloudSample.a = min(1.0f, cloudSample.a * density); alphaAccum *= cloudSample.a; color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, cloudSample.rgb * 1.0f, cloudSample.a); // cloudSample = CloudColor2(vec4(i.pos.xyz * 0.65f + vec3(10.0f) + vec3(i.pos.z * 0.5f, 0.0f, 330.0f), 1.0f), sunglow, surface.worldLightVector, cloudsAltitude, cloudsThickness, false); // cloudSample.a = min(1.0f, cloudSample.a * density); // surface.color.rgb = mix(surface.color.rgb, cloudSample.rgb * 0.001f, cloudSample.a); } } planeHeight -= cloudsThickness / numSamples; heightFactor += 1.0 / numSamples; } surface.cloudAlpha = 1.0 - alphaAccum; //color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, original, surface.cloudAlpha); } float CloudShadow(in SurfaceStruct surface) { float cloudsAltitude = 540.0f; float cloudsThickness = 150.0f; float cloudsUpperLimit = cloudsAltitude + cloudsThickness * 0.5f; float cloudsLowerLimit = cloudsAltitude - cloudsThickness * 0.5f; float planeHeight = cloudsUpperLimit; planeHeight -= cloudsThickness * 0.85f; Plane pl; pl.origin = vec3(0.0f, planeHeight, 0.0f); pl.normal = vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); //Cloud shadow Ray surfaceToSun; vec4 sunDir = gbufferModelViewInverse * vec4(surface.lightVector, 0.0f); surfaceToSun.dir = normalize(sunDir.xyz); vec4 surfacePos = gbufferModelViewInverse * surface.screenSpacePosition; surfaceToSun.origin = surfacePos.xyz + cameraPosition.xyz; Intersection i = RayPlaneIntersection(surfaceToSun, pl); float cloudShadow = CloudColor2(vec4(i.pos.xyz * 0.5f + vec3(30.0f), 1.0f), 0.0f, vec3(1.0f), cloudsAltitude, cloudsThickness, true).x; cloudShadow += CloudColor2(vec4(i.pos.xyz * 0.65f + vec3(10.0f) + vec3(i.pos.z * 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 1.0f), 0.0f, vec3(1.0f), cloudsAltitude, cloudsThickness, true).x; cloudShadow = min(cloudShadow, 1.0f); cloudShadow = 1.0f - cloudShadow; return cloudShadow; // return 1.0f; } void SnowShader(inout SurfaceStruct surface) { float snowFactor = dot(surface.normal, upVector); snowFactor = clamp(snowFactor - 0.1f, 0.0f, 0.05f) / 0.05f; surface.albedo = mix(surface.albedo.rgb, vec3(1.0f), vec3(snowFactor)); } void Test(inout vec3 color, inout SurfaceStruct surface) { vec4 rayScreenSpace = GetScreenSpacePosition(texcoord.st, 1.0f); rayScreenSpace = -rayScreenSpace; rayScreenSpace = gbufferModelViewInverse * rayScreenSpace; float planeAltitude = 100.0f; vec3 rayDir = normalize(rayScreenSpace.xyz); vec3 planeOrigin = vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); vec3 planeNormal = vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); vec3 rayOrigin = vec3(0.0f); float denom = dot(rayDir, planeNormal); vec3 intersectionPos = vec3(0.0f); if (denom > 0.0001f || denom < -0.0001f) { float planeRayDist = dot((planeOrigin - rayOrigin), planeNormal) / denom; //How far along the ray that the ray intersected with the plane //if (planeRayDist > 0.0f) intersectionPos = rayDir * planeRayDist; intersectionPos = -intersectionPos; intersectionPos.xz *= cameraPosition.y - 100.0f; intersectionPos += cameraPosition.xyz; intersectionPos.x = mod(intersectionPos.x, 1.0f); intersectionPos.y = mod(intersectionPos.y, 1.0f); intersectionPos.z = mod(intersectionPos.z, 1.0f); } color += intersectionPos.xyz * 0.1f; } vec3 Contrast(in vec3 color, in float contrast) { float colorLength = length(color); vec3 nColor = color / colorLength; colorLength = pow(colorLength, contrast); return nColor * colorLength; } float GetAO(in vec4 screenSpacePosition, in vec3 normal, in vec2 coord, in vec3 dither) { //Determine origin position vec3 origin = screenSpacePosition.xyz; vec3 randomRotation = normalize(dither.xyz * vec3(2.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f) - vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); vec3 tangent = normalize(randomRotation - normal * dot(randomRotation, normal)); vec3 bitangent = cross(normal, tangent); mat3 tbn = mat3(tangent, bitangent, normal); float aoRadius = 0.15f * -screenSpacePosition.z; //aoRadius = 0.8f; float zThickness = 0.15f * -screenSpacePosition.z; //zThickness = 2.2f; vec3 samplePosition = vec3(0.0f); float intersect = 0.0f; vec4 sampleScreenSpace = vec4(0.0f); float sampleDepth = 0.0f; float distanceWeight = 0.0f; float finalRadius = 0.0f; int numRaysPassed = 0; float ao = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { vec3 kernel = vec3(texture2D(noisetex, vec2(0.1f + (i * 1.0f) / 64.0f)).r * 2.0f - 1.0f, texture2D(noisetex, vec2(0.1f + (i * 1.0f) / 64.0f)).g * 2.0f - 1.0f, texture2D(noisetex, vec2(0.1f + (i * 1.0f) / 64.0f)).b * 1.0f); kernel = normalize(kernel); kernel *= pow(dither.x + 0.01f, 1.0f); samplePosition = tbn * kernel; samplePosition = samplePosition * aoRadius + origin; sampleScreenSpace = gbufferProjection * vec4(samplePosition, 0.0f); sampleScreenSpace.xyz /= sampleScreenSpace.w; sampleScreenSpace.xyz = sampleScreenSpace.xyz * 0.5f + 0.5f; //Check depth at sample point sampleDepth = GetScreenSpacePosition(sampleScreenSpace.xy).z; //If point is behind geometry, buildup AO if (sampleDepth >= samplePosition.z && sampleDepth - samplePosition.z < zThickness) { ao += 1.0f; } else { } } ao /= 4; ao = 1.0f - ao; ao = pow(ao, 2.1f); return ao; } vec4 BilateralUpsample(const in float scale, in vec2 offset, in float depth, in vec3 normal) { vec2 recipres = vec2(1.0f / viewWidth, 1.0f / viewHeight); vec4 light = vec4(0.0f); float weights = 0.0f; for (float i = -0.5f; i <= 0.5f; i += 1.0f) { for (float j = -0.5f; j <= 0.5f; j += 1.0f) { vec2 coord = vec2(i, j) * recipres * 2.0f; float sampleDepth = GetDepthLinear(texcoord.st + coord * 2.0f * (exp2(scale))); vec3 sampleNormal = GetNormals(texcoord.st + coord * 2.0f * (exp2(scale))); //float weight = 1.0f / (pow(abs(sampleDepth - depth) * 1000.0f, 2.0f) + 0.001f); float weight = clamp(1.0f - abs(sampleDepth - depth) / 2.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); weight *= max(0.0f, dot(sampleNormal, normal) * 2.0f - 1.0f); //weight = 1.0f; light += pow(texture2DLod(gaux1, (texcoord.st) * (1.0f / exp2(scale )) + offset + coord, 1), vec4(2.2f, 2.2f, 2.2f, 1.0f)) * weight; weights += weight; } } light /= max(0.00001f, weights); if (weights < 0.01f) { light = pow(texture2DLod(gaux1, (texcoord.st) * (1.0f / exp2(scale )) + offset, 2), vec4(2.2f, 2.2f, 2.2f, 1.0f)); } // vec3 light = texture2DLod(gcolor, (texcoord.st) * (1.0f / pow(2.0f, scale )) + offset, 2).rgb; return light; } vec4 Delta(vec3 albedo, vec3 normal, float skylight) { float depth = GetDepthLinear(texcoord.st); vec4 delta = BilateralUpsample(1.0f, vec2(0.0f, 0.0f), depth, normal); delta.rgb = delta.rgb * albedo * colorSunlight; delta.rgb *= 1.0f; delta.rgb *= 3.0f * delta.a * (1.0 - rainStrength) * pow(skylight, 0.05); // delta.rgb *= sin(frameTimeCounter) > 0.6 ? 0.0 : 1.0; return delta; } vec4 textureSmooth(in sampler2D tex, in vec2 coord) { vec2 res = vec2(64.0f, 64.0f); coord *= res; coord += 0.5f; vec2 whole = floor(coord); vec2 part = fract(coord); part.x = part.x * part.x * (3.0f - 2.0f * part.x); part.y = part.y * part.y * (3.0f - 2.0f * part.y); // part.x = 1.0f - (cos(part.x * 3.1415f) * 0.5f + 0.5f); // part.y = 1.0f - (cos(part.y * 3.1415f) * 0.5f + 0.5f); coord = whole + part; coord -= 0.5f; coord /= res; return texture2D(tex, coord); } float AlmostIdentity(in float x, in float m, in float n) { if (x > m) return x; float a = 2.0f * n - m; float b = 2.0f * m - 3.0f * n; float t = x / m; return (a * t + b) * t * t + n; } float GetWaves(vec3 position) { float speed = 0.9f; vec2 p = position.xz / 20.0f; p.xy -= position.y / 20.0f; p.x = -p.x; p.x += (frameTimeCounter / 40.0f) * speed; p.y -= (frameTimeCounter / 40.0f) * speed; float weight = 1.0f; float weights = weight; float allwaves = 0.0f; float wave = 0.0; //wave = textureSmooth(noisetex, (p * vec2(2.0f, 1.2f)) + vec2(0.0f, p.x * 2.1f) ).x; p /= 2.1f; /*p *= pow(2.0f, 1.0f);*/ p.y -= (frameTimeCounter / 20.0f) * speed; p.x -= (frameTimeCounter / 30.0f) * speed; //allwaves += wave; weight = 4.1f; weights += weight; wave = textureSmooth(noisetex, (p * vec2(2.0f, 1.4f)) + vec2(0.0f, -p.x * 2.1f) ).x; p /= 1.5f;/*p *= pow(2.0f, 2.0f);*/ p.x += (frameTimeCounter / 20.0f) * speed; wave *= weight; allwaves += wave; weight = 17.25f; weights += weight; wave = (textureSmooth(noisetex, (p * vec2(1.0f, 0.75f)) + vec2(0.0f, p.x * 1.1f) ).x); p /= 1.5f; p.x -= (frameTimeCounter / 55.0f) * speed; wave *= weight; allwaves += wave; weight = 15.25f; weights += weight; wave = (textureSmooth(noisetex, (p * vec2(1.0f, 0.75f)) + vec2(0.0f, -p.x * 1.7f) ).x); p /= 1.9f; p.x += (frameTimeCounter / 155.0f) * speed; wave *= weight; allwaves += wave; weight = 29.25f; weights += weight; wave = abs(textureSmooth(noisetex, (p * vec2(1.0f, 0.8f)) + vec2(0.0f, -p.x * 1.7f) ).x * 2.0f - 1.0f); p /= 2.0f; p.x += (frameTimeCounter / 155.0f) * speed; wave = 1.0f - AlmostIdentity(wave, 0.2f, 0.1f); wave *= weight; allwaves += wave; weight = 15.25f; weights += weight; wave = abs(textureSmooth(noisetex, (p * vec2(1.0f, 0.8f)) + vec2(0.0f, p.x * 1.7f) ).x * 2.0f - 1.0f); wave = 1.0f - AlmostIdentity(wave, 0.2f, 0.1f); wave *= weight; allwaves += wave; allwaves /= weights; return allwaves; } vec3 GetWavesNormal(vec3 position) { vec2 coord = position.xz / 50.0; coord.xy -= position.y / 50.0; coord -= floor(coord); vec3 normal; normal.xy = texture2DLod(gaux3, coord, 1).xy * 2.0 - 1.0; normal.z = sqrt(1.0 - dot(normal.xy, normal.xy)); return normal; /* float WAVE_HEIGHT = 1.5; const float sampleDistance = 3.0f; position -= vec3(0.005f, 0.0f, 0.005f) * sampleDistance; float wavesCenter = GetWaves(position); float wavesLeft = GetWaves(position + vec3(0.01f * sampleDistance, 0.0f, 0.0f)); float wavesUp = GetWaves(position + vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.01f * sampleDistance)); vec3 wavesNormal; wavesNormal.r = wavesCenter - wavesLeft; wavesNormal.g = wavesCenter - wavesUp; wavesNormal.r *= 30.0f * WAVE_HEIGHT / sampleDistance; wavesNormal.g *= 30.0f * WAVE_HEIGHT / sampleDistance; // wavesNormal.b = sqrt(1.0f - wavesNormal.r * wavesNormal.r - wavesNormal.g * wavesNormal.g); wavesNormal.b = 1.0; wavesNormal.rgb = normalize(wavesNormal.rgb); return wavesNormal.rgb; */ } vec3 FakeRefract(vec3 vector, vec3 normal, float ior) { return refract(vector, normal, ior); //return vector + normal * 0.5; } float CalculateWaterCaustics(SurfaceStruct surface, ShadingStruct shading) { //if (shading.direct <= 0.0) //{ // return 0.0; //} if (isEyeInWater == 1) { if (surface.mask.water > 0.5) { return 1.0; } } vec4 worldPos = gbufferModelViewInverse * surface.screenSpacePosition; worldPos.xyz += cameraPosition.xyz; vec2 dither = CalculateNoisePattern1(vec2(0.0), 2.0).xy; // float waterPlaneHeight = worldPos.y + 8.0; float waterPlaneHeight = 63.0; // vec4 wlv = shadowModelViewInverse * vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); vec4 wlv = gbufferModelViewInverse * vec4(lightVector.xyz, 0.0); vec3 worldLightVector = -normalize(wlv.xyz); // worldLightVector = normalize(vec3(-1.0, 1.0, 0.0)); float pointToWaterVerticalLength = min(abs(worldPos.y - waterPlaneHeight), 2.0); vec3 flatRefractVector = FakeRefract(worldLightVector, vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), 1.0 / 1.3333); float pointToWaterLength = pointToWaterVerticalLength / -flatRefractVector.y; vec3 lookupCenter = worldPos.xyz - flatRefractVector * pointToWaterLength; const float distanceThreshold = 0.15; const int numSamples = 1; int c = 0; float caustics = 0.0; for (int i = -numSamples; i <= numSamples; i++) { for (int j = -numSamples; j <= numSamples; j++) { vec2 offset = vec2(i + dither.x, j + dither.y) * 0.2; vec3 lookupPoint = lookupCenter + vec3(offset.x, 0.0, offset.y); // vec3 wavesNormal = normalize(GetWavesNormal(lookupPoint).xzy + vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) * 100.0); vec3 wavesNormal = GetWavesNormal(lookupPoint).xzy; vec3 refractVector = FakeRefract(worldLightVector.xyz, wavesNormal.xyz, 1.0 / 1.3333); float rayLength = pointToWaterVerticalLength / refractVector.y; vec3 collisionPoint = lookupPoint - refractVector * rayLength; float dist = distance(collisionPoint, worldPos.xyz); caustics += 1.0 - saturate(dist / distanceThreshold); c++; } } caustics /= c; caustics /= distanceThreshold; return pow(caustics, 2.0) * 3.0; } void WaterFog(inout vec3 color, in SurfaceStruct surface, in MCLightmapStruct mcLightmap) { // return; if (surface.mask.water > 0.5 || isEyeInWater > 0) { float depth = texture2D(depthtex1, texcoord.st).x; float depthSolid = texture2D(gdepthtex, texcoord.st).x; vec4 viewSpacePosition = GetScreenSpacePosition(texcoord.st, depth); vec4 viewSpacePositionSolid = GetScreenSpacePosition(texcoord.st, depthSolid); vec3 viewVector = normalize(viewSpacePosition.xyz); float waterDepth = distance(viewSpacePosition.xyz, viewSpacePositionSolid.xyz); if (isEyeInWater > 0) { waterDepth = length(viewSpacePosition.xyz) * 0.5; if (surface.mask.water > 0.5) { waterDepth = length(viewSpacePositionSolid.xyz) * 0.5; } } float fogDensity = 0.20; float visibility = 1.0f / (pow(exp(waterDepth * fogDensity), 1.0f)); float visibility2 = 1.0f / (pow(exp(waterDepth * fogDensity), 1.0f)); vec3 waterNormal = normalize(GetWaterNormals(texcoord.st)); // vec3 waterFogColor = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 0.1); //murky water // vec3 waterFogColor = vec3(0.2, 0.95, 0.0) * 1.0; //green water // vec3 waterFogColor = vec3(0.4, 0.95, 0.05) * 2.0; //green water // vec3 waterFogColor = vec3(0.7, 0.95, 0.00) * 0.75; //green water // vec3 waterFogColor = vec3(0.2, 0.95, 0.4) * 5.0; //green water // vec3 waterFogColor = vec3(0.2, 0.95, 1.0) * 1.0; //clear water vec3 waterFogColor = vec3(0.2, 0.85, 1.0) * 0.75; //clear water waterFogColor *= 0.01 * dot(vec3(0.33333), colorSunlight); waterFogColor *= (1.0 - rainStrength * 0.95); waterFogColor *= isEyeInWater * 2.0 + 1.0; if (isEyeInWater == 0) { waterFogColor *= mcLightmap.sky; } else { waterFogColor *= pow(eyeBrightnessSmooth.y / 240.0f, 6.0f); } // float scatter = CalculateSunglow(surface); vec3 viewVectorRefracted = refract(viewVector, waterNormal, 1.0 / 1.3333); float scatter = 1.0 / (pow(saturate(dot(-lightVector, viewVectorRefracted) * 0.5 + 0.5) * 20.0, 2.0) + 0.1); //vec3 reflectedLightVector = reflect(lightVector, upVector); //scatter += (1.0 / (pow(saturate(dot(-reflectedLightVector, viewVectorRefracted) * 0.5 + 0.5) * 30.0, 2.0) + 0.1)) * saturate(1.0 - dot(lightVector, upVector) * 1.4); // scatter += pow(saturate(dot(-lightVector, viewVectorRefracted) * 0.5 + 0.5), 3.0) * 0.02; if (isEyeInWater < 1) { waterFogColor = mix(waterFogColor, colorSunlight * 21.0 * waterFogColor, vec3(scatter * (1.0 - rainStrength))); } // color *= pow(vec3(0.7, 0.88, 1.0) * 0.99, vec3(waterDepth * 0.45 + 0.2)); // color *= pow(vec3(0.7, 0.88, 1.0) * 0.99, vec3(waterDepth * 0.45 + 1.0)); color *= pow(vec3(0.4, 0.72, 1.0) * 0.99, vec3(waterDepth * 0.25 + 0.25)); // color *= pow(vec3(0.7, 1.0, 0.2) * 0.8, vec3(waterDepth * 0.15 + 0.1)); color = mix(waterFogColor, color, saturate(visibility)); } } void IceFog(inout vec3 color, in SurfaceStruct surface, in MCLightmapStruct mcLightmap) { // return; if (surface.mask.ice > 0.5) { float depth = texture2D(depthtex1, texcoord.st).x; float depthSolid = texture2D(gdepthtex, texcoord.st).x; vec4 viewSpacePosition = GetScreenSpacePosition(texcoord.st, depth); vec4 viewSpacePositionSolid = GetScreenSpacePosition(texcoord.st, depthSolid); vec3 viewVector = normalize(viewSpacePosition.xyz); float waterDepth = distance(viewSpacePosition.xyz, viewSpacePositionSolid.xyz); float fogDensity = 0.41; float visibility = 1.0f / (pow(exp(waterDepth * fogDensity), 1.0f)); float visibility2 = 1.0f / (pow(exp(waterDepth * fogDensity), 1.0f)); vec3 waterNormal = normalize(GetWaterNormals(texcoord.st)); // vec3 waterFogColor = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 0.1); //murky water // vec3 waterFogColor = vec3(0.2, 0.95, 0.0) * 1.0; //green water // vec3 waterFogColor = vec3(0.4, 0.95, 0.05) * 2.0; //green water // vec3 waterFogColor = vec3(0.7, 0.95, 0.00) * 0.75; //green water // vec3 waterFogColor = vec3(0.2, 0.95, 0.4) * 5.0; //green water // vec3 waterFogColor = vec3(0.2, 0.95, 1.0) * 1.0; //clear water vec3 waterFogColor = vec3(0.2, 0.45, 1.0) * 0.75; //clear water waterFogColor *= 0.01 * dot(vec3(0.33333), colorSunlight); waterFogColor *= (1.0 - rainStrength * 0.95); waterFogColor *= mcLightmap.sky; // float scatter = CalculateSunglow(surface); vec3 viewVectorRefracted = refract(viewVector, waterNormal, 1.0 / 1.3333); float scatter = 1.0 / (pow(saturate(dot(-lightVector, viewVectorRefracted) * 0.5 + 0.5) * 10.0, 2.0) + 0.1); //vec3 reflectedLightVector = reflect(lightVector, upVector); //scatter += (1.0 / (pow(saturate(dot(-reflectedLightVector, viewVectorRefracted) * 0.5 + 0.5) * 30.0, 2.0) + 0.1)) * saturate(1.0 - dot(lightVector, upVector) * 1.4); // scatter += pow(saturate(dot(-lightVector, viewVectorRefracted) * 0.5 + 0.5), 3.0) * 0.02; waterFogColor = mix(waterFogColor, colorSunlight * 21.0 * waterFogColor, vec3(scatter * (1.0 - rainStrength))); // color *= pow(vec3(0.7, 0.88, 1.0) * 0.99, vec3(waterDepth * 0.45 + 0.2)); // color *= pow(vec3(0.7, 0.88, 1.0) * 0.99, vec3(waterDepth * 0.45 + 1.0)); color *= pow(vec3(0.4, 0.72, 1.0) * 0.99, vec3(waterDepth * 0.25 + 0.25)); // color *= pow(vec3(0.7, 1.0, 0.2) * 0.8, vec3(waterDepth * 0.15 + 0.1)); color = mix(waterFogColor, color, saturate(visibility)); } } void CrepuscularRays(inout float color, in SurfaceStruct surface) { float rayDepth = 0.02f; float increment = 10.25f; const float rayLimit = 60.0f; float dither = CalculateDitherPattern1(); //rayDepth += dither * increment; float lightAccumulation = 0.0f; //float mistLight = 0.0f; float ambientFogAccumulation = 0.0f; float numSteps = rayLimit / increment; int count = 0; while (rayDepth < rayLimit) { if (surface.linearDepth < rayDepth + dither * increment) { break; } vec4 rayPosition = GetScreenSpacePosition(texcoord.st, LinearToExponentialDepth(rayDepth + dither * increment)); rayPosition = gbufferModelViewInverse * rayPosition; //vec4 rayWorldPosition = rayPosition + vec4(cameraPosition.xyz, 0.0f); rayPosition = shadowModelView * rayPosition; rayPosition = shadowProjection * rayPosition; rayPosition /= rayPosition.w; float dist = sqrt(dot(rayPosition.xy, rayPosition.xy)); float distortFactor = (1.0f - SHADOW_MAP_BIAS) + dist * SHADOW_MAP_BIAS; rayPosition.xy *= 0.95f / distortFactor; rayPosition = rayPosition * 0.5f + 0.5f; float shadowSample = shadow2DLod(shadow, vec3(rayPosition.st, rayPosition.z + 0.0018f), 4).x; //if (count < 1) //{ // lightAccumulation += shadowSample; //} //else //{ lightAccumulation += shadowSample * increment; //} //mistLight += shadowSample * Get3DNoise(rayWorldPosition.xyz * 0.5f); ambientFogAccumulation += 1.0f; rayDepth += increment; count++; increment *= 1.0f; } //lightAccumulation -= 1.0f; lightAccumulation /= numSteps; ambientFogAccumulation /= numSteps; //lightAccumulation *= 0.25; //mistLight /= numSteps; color = lightAccumulation * 0.15; return; /* float sunglow = CalculateSunglow(surface); float antiSunglow = CalculateAntiSunglow(surface); //float anisoHighlight = max(0.0f, pow(sunglow, 1.0f)) * 0.0f + max(pow(antiSunglow, 2.0f), 0.0f) * 0.05f; // anisoHighlight += pow(sunglow, 4.0f) * 5.0f; float anisoHighlight = pow(1.0f / (pow((1.0f - sunglow) * 3.0f, 2.0f) + 0.0001f) * 1.5f, 1.5f) + 0.5f; anisoHighlight *= sunglow + 0.0f; anisoHighlight += antiSunglow * 0.05f; //lightAccumulation *= 1.0f + anisoHighlight * 300.0f; //lightAccumulation = mix(1.0f, 10.0f, float(surface.mask.sky)); vec3 rays = vec3(lightAccumulation); vec3 rayColor = colorSunlight * 0.5f + colorSkylight * 1.0f + colorSunlight * (anisoHighlight * 120.0f); rays *= rayColor; //vec3 mist = vec3(mistLight); color.rgb += rays * (0.0025f + float(isEyeInWater) * 0.0001f); //color.rgb += mist * 0.0001f; //color.rgb += vec3(ambientFogAccumulation) * colorScatteredSunlight * 0.00001f; */ } void NetherFog(SurfaceStruct surface, inout vec3 color) { float fogFactor = 1.0 - exp(-pow(length(surface.screenSpacePosition), 4.0) * 0.000000001); vec3 fogColor = vec3(1.0, 0.05, 0.0) * 0.010; color = mix(color, fogColor, vec3(fogFactor)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////MAIN////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void main() { //Initialize surface properties required for lighting calculation for any surface that is not part of the sky surface.albedo = GetAlbedoLinear(texcoord.st); //Gets the albedo texture surface.albedo = pow(surface.albedo, vec3(1.0f)); // surface.albedo = Contrast(surface.albedo, 1.1f); //surface.albedo = normalize(surface.albedo) * (pow(length(surface.albedo), 1.2f)); //surface.albedo = vec3(0.8f); surface.normal = GetNormals(texcoord.st); //Gets the screen-space normals surface.depth = GetDepth(texcoord.st); //Gets the scene depth surface.linearDepth = ExpToLinearDepth(surface.depth); //Get linear scene depth surface.screenSpacePosition = GetScreenSpacePosition(texcoord.st); //Gets the screen-space position surface.worldSpacePosition = gbufferModelViewInverse * surface.screenSpacePosition; surface.viewVector = normalize(surface.screenSpacePosition.rgb); //Gets the view vector surface.lightVector = lightVector; //Gets the sunlight vector //vec4 wlv = gbufferModelViewInverse * vec4(surface.lightVector, 1.0f); vec4 wlv = shadowModelViewInverse * vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); surface.worldLightVector = normalize(wlv.xyz); surface.upVector = upVector; //Store the up vector surface.mask.matIDs = GetMaterialIDs(texcoord.st); //Gets material ids CalculateMasks(surface.mask); if (surface.mask.water > 0.5) { surface.albedo *= 1.9; //surface.albedo = mix(surface.albedo, vec3(0.5, 0.9, 0.1) * 0.15, vec3(0.5)); //surface.albedo = mix(surface.albedo, vec3(0.5, 0.9, 0.1) * 0.15, vec3(saturate(dot(surface.normal, upVector) * 0.5 + 0.5))); } surface.albedo *= 1.0f - (surface.mask.sky); //Remove the sky from surface albedo, because sky will be handled separately //surface.water.albedo = surface.albedo * float(surface.mask.water); //Store underwater albedo //surface.albedo *= 1.0f - float(surface.mask.water); //Remove water from surface albedo to handle water separately //Initialize sky surface properties surface.sky.albedo = GetAlbedoLinear(texcoord.st) * (min(1.0f, (surface.mask.sky) + (surface.mask.sunspot))); //Gets the albedo texture for the sky surface.sky.tintColor = vec3(1.0f); //surface.sky.tintColor = mix(colorSunlight, vec3(colorSunlight.r), vec3(0.8f)); //Initializes the defualt tint color for the sky //surface.sky.tintColor *= mix(1.0f, 500.0f, timeSkyDark); //Boost sky color at night //Scale sunglow back to be less intense surface.sky.sunSpot = vec3(float(CalculateSunspot(surface))) * vec3((min(1.0f, (surface.mask.sky) + (surface.mask.sunspot)))) * colorSunlight; surface.sky.sunSpot *= 1.0f - timeMidnight; surface.sky.sunSpot *= 300.0f; surface.sky.sunSpot *= 1.0f - rainStrength; //surface.sky.sunSpot *= 1.0f - timeMidnight; AddSkyGradient(surface); AddSunglow(surface); //Initialize MCLightmap values mcLightmap.torch = GetLightmapTorch(texcoord.st); //Gets the lightmap for light coming from emissive blocks mcLightmap.sky = GetLightmapSky(texcoord.st); //Gets the lightmap for light coming from the sky // mcLightmap.sky = 1.0f / pow((1.0f - mcLightmap.sky + 0.00001f), 2.0f); // mcLightmap.sky -= 1.0f; // mcLightmap.sky = max(0.0f, mcLightmap.sky); mcLightmap.lightning = 0.0f; //gets the lightmap for light coming from lightning if (surface.mask.water > 0.5 || surface.mask.ice > 0.5) { mcLightmap.sky = GetTransparentLightmapSky(texcoord.st); } //Initialize default surface shading attributes surface.diffuse.roughness = 0.0f; //Default surface roughness surface.diffuse.translucency = 0.0f; //Default surface translucency surface.diffuse.translucencyColor = vec3(1.0f); //Default translucency color surface.specular.specularity = GetSpecularity(texcoord.st); //Gets the reflectance/specularity of the surface surface.specular.extraSpecularity = 0.0f; //Default value for extra specularity surface.specular.glossiness = GetGlossiness(texcoord.st); surface.specular.metallic = 0.0f; //Default value of how metallic the surface is surface.specular.gain = 1.0f; //Default surface specular gain surface.specular.base = 0.0f; //Default reflectance when the surface normal and viewing normal are aligned surface.specular.fresnelPower = 5.0f; //Default surface fresnel power //Calculate surface shading CalculateNdotL(surface); shading.direct = CalculateDirectLighting(surface); //Calculate direct sunlight without visibility check (shadows) shading.sunlightVisibility = CalculateSunlightVisibility(surface, shading); //Calculate shadows and apply them to direct lighting shading.direct *= mix(1.0f, 0.0f, rainStrength); float caustics = 1.0; if (surface.mask.water > 0.5 || isEyeInWater > 0) caustics = CalculateWaterCaustics(surface, shading); shading.direct *= caustics; shading.waterDirect = shading.direct; shading.direct *= pow(mcLightmap.sky, 0.1f); // shading.bounced = CalculateBouncedSunlight(surface); //Calculate fake bounced sunlight // shading.scattered = CalculateScatteredSunlight(surface); //Calculate fake scattered sunlight shading.skylight = CalculateSkylight(surface); //Calculate scattered light from sky shading.skylight *= pow(caustics, 0.5) * 0.4 + 0.6; // shading.scatteredUp = CalculateScatteredUpLight(surface); shading.heldLight = CalculateHeldLightShading(surface); InitializeAO(surface); //if (texcoord.s < 0.5f && texcoord.t < 0.5f) //CalculateAO(surface); float ao = 1.0; vec4 delta = vec4(0.0); delta.a = 1.0; if (isEyeInWater < 1) delta = Delta(surface.albedo.rgb, surface.normal.xyz, mcLightmap.sky); ao = delta.a; //Colorize surface shading and store in lightmaps lightmap.sunlight = vec3(shading.direct) * colorSunlight; lightmap.sunlight *= shading.sunlightVisibility; lightmap.sunlight *= GetParallaxShadow(texcoord.st); AddCloudGlow(lightmap.sunlight, surface); //lightmap.sunlight *= 2.0f - AO; lightmap.skylight = vec3(mcLightmap.sky); lightmap.skylight *= mix(colorSkylight, colorBouncedSunlight, vec3(max(0.2f, (1.0f - pow(mcLightmap.sky + 0.13f, 1.0f) * 1.0f)))) + colorBouncedSunlight * (mix(0.8f, 2.8f, 0.0)) * (1.0f - rainStrength); //lightmap.skylight *= mix(colorSkylight, colorBouncedSunlight, vec3(0.2f)); lightmap.skylight *= shading.skylight; lightmap.skylight *= mix(1.0f, 5.0f, (surface.mask.clouds)); lightmap.skylight *= mix(1.0f, 50.0f, (surface.mask.clouds) * timeSkyDark); // lightmap.skylight += vec3(0.5, 0.8, 1.0) * surface.mask.water * mcLightmap.sky * dot(vec3(0.3333), colorSunlight * colorSunlight) * 1.0; //water ambient lightmap.skylight *= surface.ao.skylight; //lightmap.skylight *= surface.ao.constant * 0.5f + 0.5f; lightmap.skylight += mix(colorSkylight, colorSunlight, vec3(0.2f)) * vec3(mcLightmap.sky) * surface.ao.constant * 0.05f; lightmap.skylight *= mix(1.0f, 0.6f, rainStrength); lightmap.skylight *= ao; // lightmap.bouncedSunlight = vec3(shading.bounced) * colorBouncedSunlight; // lightmap.bouncedSunlight *= pow(vec3(mcLightmap.sky), vec3(1.75f)); // lightmap.bouncedSunlight *= mix(1.0f, 0.25f, timeSunriseSunset); // lightmap.bouncedSunlight *= mix(1.0f, 0.0f, rainStrength); // lightmap.bouncedSunlight *= surface.ao.bouncedSunlight; // lightmap.bouncedSunlight *= ao; //lightmap.bouncedSunlight *= surface.ao.constant * 0.5f + 0.5f; // lightmap.scatteredSunlight = vec3(shading.scattered) * colorScatteredSunlight * (1.0f - rainStrength); // lightmap.scatteredSunlight *= pow(vec3(mcLightmap.sky), vec3(1.0f)); // lightmap.scatteredSunlight *= ao; //lightmap.scatteredSunlight *= surface.ao.constant * 0.5f + 0.5f; lightmap.underwater = vec3(mcLightmap.sky) * colorSkylight; lightmap.torchlight = mcLightmap.torch * colorTorchlight; lightmap.torchlight *= ao; lightmap.nolight = vec3(0.05f); lightmap.nolight *= surface.ao.constant; lightmap.nolight *= ao; // lightmap.scatteredUpLight = vec3(shading.scatteredUp) * mix(colorSunlight, colorSkylight, vec3(0.3f)); // lightmap.scatteredUpLight *= pow(mcLightmap.sky, 0.5f); // lightmap.scatteredUpLight *= surface.ao.scatteredUpLight; // lightmap.scatteredUpLight *= mix(1.0f, 0.1f, rainStrength); // lightmap.scatteredUpLight *= ao; //lightmap.scatteredUpLight *= surface.ao.constant * 0.5f + 0.5f; lightmap.heldLight = vec3(shading.heldLight); lightmap.heldLight *= colorTorchlight; lightmap.heldLight *= ao; lightmap.heldLight *= heldBlockLightValue / 16.0f; //If eye is in water if (isEyeInWater > 0) { vec3 halfColor = mix(colorWaterMurk, vec3(1.0f), vec3(0.5f)); lightmap.sunlight *= mcLightmap.sky * halfColor; lightmap.skylight *= halfColor; lightmap.bouncedSunlight *= 0.0f; lightmap.scatteredSunlight *= halfColor; lightmap.nolight *= halfColor; lightmap.scatteredUpLight *= halfColor; } surface.albedo.rgb = mix(surface.albedo.rgb, pow(surface.albedo.rgb, vec3(2.0f)), vec3((surface.mask.fire))); //Apply lightmaps to albedo and generate final shaded surface final.nolight = surface.albedo * lightmap.nolight; final.sunlight = surface.albedo * lightmap.sunlight; final.skylight = surface.albedo * lightmap.skylight; final.bouncedSunlight = surface.albedo * lightmap.bouncedSunlight; final.scatteredSunlight = surface.albedo * lightmap.scatteredSunlight; final.scatteredUpLight = surface.albedo * lightmap.scatteredUpLight; final.torchlight = surface.albedo * lightmap.torchlight; final.underwater = surface.water.albedo * colorWaterBlue; // final.underwater *= GetUnderwaterLightmapSky(texcoord.st); // final.underwater += vec3(0.9f, 1.00f, 0.35f) * float(surface.mask.water) * 0.065f; final.underwater *= (lightmap.sunlight * 0.3f) + (lightmap.skylight * 0.06f) + (lightmap.torchlight * 0.0165) + (lightmap.nolight * 0.002f); //final.glow.torch = pow(surface.albedo, vec3(4.0f)) * float(surface.mask.torch); final.glow.lava = Glowmap(surface.albedo, surface.mask.lava, 4.0f, vec3(1.0f, 0.05f, 0.001f)); final.glow.glowstone = Glowmap(surface.albedo, surface.mask.glowstone, 2.0f, colorTorchlight); //final.glow.glowstone *= (sin(frameTimeCounter * 3.1415f / 3.0f) * 0.5f + 0.5f) * 3.0f + 1.0f; final.torchlight *= 1.0f - (surface.mask.glowstone); final.glow.fire = surface.albedo * (surface.mask.fire); final.glow.fire = pow(final.glow.fire, vec3(2.0f)); //final.glow.torch = Glowmap(surface.albedo, surface.mask.torch, 16.0f, vec3(1.0f, 0.07f, 0.001f)); //final.glow.torch = surface.albedo * float(surface.mask.torch); //final.glow.torch *= pow(vec3(CalculateLuminance(final.glow.torch)), vec3(6.0f)); //final.glow.torch = pow(final.glow.torch, vec3(1.4f)); final.glow.torch = pow(surface.albedo * (surface.mask.torch), vec3(4.4f)); //Remove glow items from torchlight to keep control final.torchlight *= 1.0f - (surface.mask.lava); final.heldLight = lightmap.heldLight * surface.albedo; //Do night eye effect on outdoor lighting and sky DoNightEye(final.sunlight); DoNightEye(final.skylight); DoNightEye(final.bouncedSunlight); DoNightEye(final.scatteredSunlight); DoNightEye(surface.sky.albedo); DoNightEye(final.underwater); DoNightEye(delta.rgb); //DoLowlightEye(final.nolight); surface.cloudShadow = 1.0f; const float sunlightMult = 0.25f; //Apply lightmaps to albedo and generate final shaded surface vec3 finalComposite = //final.sunlight * 0.9f * 1.5f * sunlightMult //Add direct sunlight //+ final.skylight * 0.03f //Add ambient skylight final.nolight * 0.00025f //Add base ambient light //+ final.bouncedSunlight * 0.005f * sunlightMult //Add fake bounced sunlight //+ final.scatteredSunlight * 0.02f * (1.0f - sunlightMult) //Add fake scattered sunlight //+ final.scatteredUpLight * 0.0015f * sunlightMult + final.torchlight * 5.5f //Add light coming from emissive blocks + final.glow.lava * 2.6f + final.glow.glowstone * 1.1f + final.glow.fire * 0.025f + final.glow.torch * 0.15f + final.heldLight * 0.05f ; delta.rgb *= mix(vec3(1.0), vec3(0.1, 0.3, 1.0) * 1.0, surface.mask.water); //Apply sky to final composite surface.sky.albedo *= 6.0f; surface.sky.albedo = surface.sky.albedo * surface.sky.tintColor + surface.sky.sunglow + surface.sky.sunSpot; //DoNightEye(surface.sky.albedo); //finalComposite += surface.sky.albedo; //Add sky to final image //finalComposite += delta.rgb * sunlightMult * 1.3; //if eye is in water, do underwater fog if (isEyeInWater > 0) { finalComposite *= 9.0; //CalculateUnderwaterFog(surface, finalComposite); } //CloudPlane(surface, finalComposite); //#ifdef VOLUMETRIC_CLOUDS //VolumeClouds(surface, finalComposite); //#endif WaterFog(finalComposite, surface, mcLightmap); IceFog(finalComposite, surface, mcLightmap); if (surface.mask.stainedGlass > 0.5) { finalComposite *= 1.5; } NetherFog(surface, finalComposite); finalComposite *= 0.001f; //Scale image down for HDR finalComposite.b *= 1.0f; //CalculateAtmosphericScattering(finalComposite.rgb, surface); float crepuscularRays = 0.0f; //CrepuscularRays(crepuscularRays, surface); //finalComposite.rgb += crepuscularRays.rgb * 0.0022; finalComposite = pow(finalComposite, vec3(1.0f / 2.2f)); //Convert final image into gamma 0.45 space to compensate for gamma 2.2 on displays finalComposite = pow(finalComposite, vec3(1.0f / BANDING_FIX_FACTOR)); //Convert final image into banding fix space to help reduce color banding if (finalComposite.r > 1.0f) { finalComposite.r = 0.0f; } if (finalComposite.g > 1.0f) { finalComposite.g = 0.0f; } if (finalComposite.b > 1.0f) { finalComposite.b = 0.0f; } //finalComposite *= ao; gl_FragData[0] = vec4(finalComposite, 1.0f); gl_FragData[1] = vec4(surface.mask.matIDs, crepuscularRays, mcLightmap.sky, 1.0f); gl_FragData[2] = vec4(surface.specular.specularity, surface.cloudAlpha, surface.specular.glossiness, 1.0f); gl_FragData[3] = vec4(shading.sunlightVisibility, 1.0f); // gl_FragData[4] = vec4(pow(surface.albedo.rgb, vec3(1.0f / 2.2f)), 1.0f); // gl_FragData[5] = vec4(surface.normal.rgb * 0.5f + 0.5f, 1.0f); }